Questions tagged [abdominals]

The abdomen (less formally called the belly, stomach, or tummy), in vertebrates such as mammals, constitutes the part of the body between the thorax (chest) and pelvis.

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16 votes
5 answers

How can I get a flat stomach?

I can do plenty of sit-ups and other ab exercises. I also have a house-mate who is a personal trainer so I know I'm doing them right. However, I can stick to a routine of doing reasonable quantities ...
going's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

Optimal exercises for an abdominal workout

In response to this answer, I was curious what exercises specifically target the abdominal muscles. Answers given so far include: Works abs directly: leg raises rollout Indirectly: squats My ...
eykanal's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Running and six pack abs

I've been struggling with weight almost entire life (I was just lazy). I'm 176 cm tall and I currently have 79kg. A year ago I was 96 kg. I gave up soda, chocolate and eating after 6 PM and went to ...
Gandalf StormCrow's user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

Skinny but flabby, what to do?

I appear skinny but anyone who's seen me without a shirt knows the truth! My chest, arms, and legs all look healthy (as far as I'm concerned) but my stomach is this fatty mess. It's not that I don't ...
flabby's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

Effect on abs: leg raises vs crunches

What is the difference for my abs between raising my legs, and raising my body? I've heard that the whole lower abs/upper abs training is BS. It's like trying to train the lower or upper biceps.
Pierre B's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Are crunches an effective exercise for building the abs?

Vince Gironda was famous for training people like Arnold and Lou Ferrigno and operating Vince's Gym. He was one of the OGs of professional bodybuilding. There's a story I've heard more than once ...
Daniel's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

What is the best way to get rid of love handles and lower belly fat?

I have been doing cardio lately, eating pretty healthy and doing lots of ab exercises Planks The Wheel Knee lifts Rotating back with body bar my upper abs and upper side abs are getting very ...
leora's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

How often can a person work on their Abs?

In the past I've heard Abs are different from other muscle groups. You can work on your Abs everyday, but then I've also heard, Abs are like any other muscle groups. It needs rest for recovery. So, ...
KJYe.Name's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Using a rowing machine for abdominal muscles

I was used to doing running and cycling but now I want to work more on my abdominal muscles. I had read from some sources that a rowing machine is good for that. From other sources I have read ...
fredv's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Should you workout abs every day or include rest days like other body parts?

Having a debate with a friend where he says you can do ab exercises basically everyday (planks, knee lifts, exercise ball sit ups, etc) and others have said that you said treat is like other body ...
leora's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

What can I do to make my abs look their best in a very short timeframe?

This is somewhat theoretical, but I find the situation comes up often enough. I'm in good shape, good athletic build, etc. I have decent definition in my abs (you can see the makings of a 6-pack or ...
Jer's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Does eating before situps do any harm?

My routine before visiting the gym usually involves me finishing work, relaxing for a little while then eating and going to the gym. I've always eaten beforehand simply because I'm hungry at that ...
ChrisFletcher's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Small equipments for abs

I want to build my abs. I am eating well, and I wonder if there is a piece of small equipment that could be helpful for me to build abs.
e.p's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

What are the most effective ab exercises in terms of muscle activation?

Aside from the fact that abs are made in the kitchen, there must be differences among different types of ab exercises. Which are the most effective per unit of time in terms of muscle activation? Tim ...
Dan Dascalescu's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

After Pregnancy: exercise to close gap in vertical muscles in abs

In "What to Expect When You're Expecting" after birth of baby, it advises to close the gap in your vertical ab muscles before going back to a strenuous routine. My questions are: 1) checking for the ...
Rhea's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Why do abdominal exercises have so many reps when hypertrophy exercises are limited to 12 at most?

Whenever we want to build general muscle, we do at least 6 reps and at most 12 reps on like 3 sets, then why does abs workouts tends to be conducted to fatigue? (I mean 20 to 50 reps on 5 sets) Isn't ...
Ohraeddir's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

At Home Regime To Build Upper Body Muscle

At the age of 19, I've come to accept for many years that my lower body would take complete and total predominance when it comes to my muscle mass. However, over the last year or so, I've been less-...
Cora's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How to tighten abs while working out

The trainer at my gym always asks me to tighten the ab muscles while working on the ab area. I am always confused on the right way to tighten this ab area. I breath out and push my stomach outwards ...
smyslov's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How does the handstand compare to the plank for abdominal training?

As part of a body weight circuit, I have been using the plank as the abdominal component. Additionally, I have been working on doing handstands, in preparation for doing handstand push ups. How well ...
ChargingPun's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Exercise for six pack abs

I want to have six pack abs and I am doing 6 different exercises for that. But none of them more than 10 times. Is it sufficient or do I need to increase the number of repetitions? Could anyone ...
Chris's user avatar
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3 answers

Why I never feel DOMS on my abs?

I'm doing pretty good exercises for my abs, but i never feel the usual pain i feel when i exercise other muscles, why ? And does this mean I'm not having progress or not doing enough ? I like to feel ...
Freedo's user avatar
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6 votes
6 answers

Plank Progressions

So, I have been doing workout routine for a while now. IDK exactly how effective it is, but it certainly seems effective for me and I like it because each exercise is something I can scale up(by ...
Luke's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

I can't hold a plank for long - how do I get more effect out of a session?

I can hold a plank for 20-30 seconds tops, far shorter after I have done some other work. I have a couple of ideas on how to get more volume and effect out of a session: Hold until holding the ...
mart's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Is there a benefit to doing crunches over sit-ups?

Leaving aside the health risks (As per Wikipedia, "Some argue that situps can be dangerous due to high compressive lumbar load"), is there any benefit to doing crunches as opposed to sit-ups? From ...
user6751's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

What exercise routine can I do at home to get a sixpack?

I am interested in gaining more definition in my stomach and chest area. I suppose I would like to work towards having a well defined sixpack, although that is not as important to me as gaining some ...
Matt Bronson's user avatar
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4 answers

Tips on having six packs and losing fat and keeping the muscles I have

I use to work out 5-6days a week, 80-90mins, where I did weight training. I have a good physique, however I never had well defined abs. Now I'm working hard towards abs. I do abs workout every other ...
Yagzii's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Can an intense core/abs workout gives you diarrhea?

I follow a pretty intense core/abs workout since 15 days and I have diarrhea since 12-13 days, can it be linked? I mean, does such kind of workout compress so much the bowel that it 'liquify' its '...
GlinesMome's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Concerned that skipping ab exercises will have negative implications

I find that I never have time to focus on abs when I work out. If I continue to strengthen other parts of my body (I consistently do squats, deadlift, benchpress, shoulderpress) and continue to ...
Mark McKenna's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Need exercise recommendations for abs, triceps and biceps to incorporate into Stronglifts 5x5

I am doing Stronglifts 5x5. I want to incorporate exercises for abs, biceps and triceps because I want to have a stronger core for the main lifts and I want to avoid T-Rex arms. My current plan is to ...
user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Correct shoulder position when doing hanging leg raises

What is the correct shoulder positions when doing hanging leg raises? What are the reasons to do it this way and not another one? For example when you hang on the bar you can lift your body up and ...
Sarah's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Are bigger AB wheels better?

I just bought a ab wheel and have been doing it for a few time by now but I noticed that a lot of videos on YouTube with ripped guys showing how to use the ab wheel they use much bigger wheels than ...
Freedo's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

How much time does it take to reduce belly fat?

I read lot of questions on reducing belly fat in this forum. I am also suffering from large fat around my abdomen. i have started exercise (weight training + cardio) and leading with healthy food ...
bioinformatician's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Suggestions on Postpartum exercises

I know that everyone is different and you should be getting cleared by your MD, but once they do clear you, what are some good exercises to do to help your body recover? Specifically to help with ...
Ilianna's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Wheel ab workout equipment

I am considering buying an ab wheel. Will exercising with it make my abs look stronger and more apparent? I'm not sure if an ab wheel will have a substantial effect on my abs in a short time. Lower ...
e.p's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Reason for some variations in doing crunches or other ab exercises

In fitness classes I have often seen that crunches were done in a specific pattern, for example: 10 normal crunches 10 crunches in 2 steps (i.e. up hold 1 count, up hold 1 count, down, down) 10 mini ...
Sarah's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Purpose of rectus abdominis training

It looks like the rectus abdominis plays a role in posture and contributes a bit towards increasing intra-abdominal pressure (IAP). Also, it is used for trunk/lumbar flexion as well. However, what ...
ManRow's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

What are the benefits or drawbacks of full sit ups vs crunches?

I generally do full sit ups, I just prefer them to crunches. But are there any benefits or drawbacks of full sit ups over crunches?
Daft's user avatar
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2 answers

"Safe" Ab Exercise

I've been trying to find safe abdominal exercises. That is to say, executing the exercises I have learned through my life I can feel the vertebrae in my lower back rubbing/grinding against each other,...
Dave's user avatar
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4 answers

Eating pasta and developing a sixpack

I know that it's very important to have a proper diet when you want to develop a sixpack. I often read that one should avoid pasta, rice, potatoes, bread and so on. However, I like this stuff very ...
Sarah's user avatar
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3 answers

Crunches before or after sit-ups?

I use a machine to do 8-12 crunches to failure. I also like to perform sit-ups to failure (and I feel it in the front of my hips, not my abs). Does it matter in which order I do these two exercises? ...
Jeremy Stein's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

I don't feel my ab workouts

I've (F22, BMI=22.1) been doing a 10 min flat ab and slim waist workout I found on youtube, every day, for the past month. Although it has proven to be effective and I have lost a significant amount ...
ceci cela's user avatar
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3 answers

What are ways to exercise abdominal muscles without harming your back?

I am frequently hearing of new research finding how bad sit-ups and crunches are (example). So what are safe ways to exercise the abdominal muscles? For example, are planks proven to be safe?
Celeritas's user avatar
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4 answers

Looking for short, home routine for thighs and abs

I have a personal trainer which I hit up once a week - love it. We do all our stuff outside with bascially nothing. I'm trying to get a bit more stuff to do mid week which is only around 15-20 mins ...
Pure.Krome's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

When and how often should I train my core/abs?

About me I'm 16, 181 cm. I don't really know the max weight I can lift, because I only have 5 kg dumbells at home. Can do 7-9 pull-ups. For the past two or so months I have been training at home ...
Kedel Mihail's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Womans Abdominal issues

I've had 2 kids, neither recently. My 2nd pregnancy caused extreme weight gain and severe stretch marks on the lowest part of my abdomen, between the belly button n the pubic bone and between both ...
Jess's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How to shorten the abs to keep belly in?

I'm 37, with an average body type (not skinny, not fat), but my belly requires constant attention not to pop out like a beer addict. It's not fat and it doesn't feel bloated... it simply seems like my ...
chris's user avatar
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3 answers

Swimming for muscle building and fat burn

I heard that swimming is the best option for a whole body workout, but I don't really know what effects that swimming has on my body. Does swimming burn fat and help me building muscles (my first ...
Aytac's user avatar
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4 answers

If the main part in getting "six pack abs" is removing fat, why don't we see people during famine have "six-packs"?

According to the answers to this other question and this other question, the most important thing in getting "six packs abs" seems to be removing the fat around the stomach. In fact the answers ...
user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Ab exercises following permanent back injury

I am trying to help a (male) friend who suffered back injury in a serious automobile accident several years ago. He cannot walk or stand for more than a few minutes at a time. He is a former US Army ...
Renee B's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I learn to control and improve awareness of my core?

I’ve been trying to regain awareness and control over my core since cancer treatment 4 years ago that involved several abdominal/pelvic surgeries. I’m struggling with basic core exercises like Pelvic ...
Zozis's user avatar
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