Questions tagged [core]

The deep muscle layers in the spine and central torso regions. Core muscles are important for posture, balance, stability, and power transfer.

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Do twisting crunches develop the spinal erectors?

For the last year and a half I have been ditching direct core work and instead only did deadlifts, squats, weighted dips and barbell rows. Now I tried doing some crunches and sie crunches out of ...
Name's user avatar
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Is intra-abdominal breathing needed for core exercises?

Just so we're on the same page, I was taught that intra-abdominal breathing is when you exhale all your air whilst simultaneously bracing your core muscles, then inhaling to create a fresh ball of air ...
Alex Wang's user avatar
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Are my exercises and their reps and sets good for fat loss?

I've organized my workout into 6 days: 2 sessions of upper-body workouts, lower-body workouts, and core workouts. The 7th day is a rest day. I am working out at home so these are my options. Please ...
user40144's user avatar
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How to incorporate hip and core strength work in my workouts

I am a little confused about the best way to incorporate some hip and core strength work in my workout regimen. I am 48, and I am lifting weights 3-4 times per week mostly to gain muscle. So I have a ...
krishnab's user avatar
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Which is better for core strength: cycling or running?

The question title is fairly self-explanatory. I used to be moderately fit because I cycled to the office, but two years of home working has seen my fitness levels plummet. I recently injured my back ...
Bob Tway's user avatar
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Define the upper abs only workouts-low body fat

I want to define the upper abs, I am interested only in workout programs. My food intake is ok but I do not think I am doing proper a workout; I don't have much bodyfat and I want to focus only on ...
e.p's user avatar
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