Questions tagged [muscle]

How to safely and effectively build muscle, whether for looks or for strength. Also, how muscles work physiologically.

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One butt muscle is getting bigger

I'm 20 yrs old and been working out, doing leg and butt workouts. I'm seeing great results on my left buttcheek, it's getting bigger, with more muscle and its firm. on the other hand, my right ...
vadim's user avatar
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workout in weekdays & eating protein in weekend?

I workout on Monday - thursday & dont take required amount of protein to build muscles due to some reasons.... i can able to take enough protein from friday to sunday.... so if i need 150g ...
USer345738380's user avatar
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What is a body strength? [duplicate]

I want to know what is the body strength? Is that muscle building help for make a body strength?
Eranda Peiris's user avatar
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How to strengthen skeletal muscles [closed]

Was wondering if anyone could advise, my skeletal muscles are very weak, no strength which is leaving me unbalanced and un steady on feet, and my arms feel the same somewhat floppy, is there any ...
Liyaah 's user avatar
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Different between biceps and triceps?

According to my knowledge, biceps having 1/3 of arm muscle to build and triceps having 2/3 of arm muscle to build. When I doing exercises in gym, it is bit hard to do triceps rather than biceps. ...
Eranda Peiris's user avatar
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Pin squats vs full squat vs box squats

Pin squats with pins below the knees vs Box squats with box below the knees vs Full squat below the knee Which squat variation is better for muscle growth in the posterior chain? Personally I feel ...
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Lower leg training

The lower leg has about 14 muscle, most people only train 2 muscles the Soleus and the Gastrocnemius. Are there any compound movements that work more than just the calf but more lower leg muscles at ...
Ekaen's user avatar
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Hanging leg curls

Has anyone tried hanging from a bar with a dumbbell between the legs and trying to do leg curls? For leg/knee raises it works fine, I'm asking cause I don't want to injure myself in the gym while ...
Ekaen's user avatar
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Home back exercises without equipment

What exercises can be done anywhere with no equipment, not even a bar for the upper back muscles and is as easy to learn as a bodyweight push up.
Ekaen's user avatar
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4 answers

How long would it take for a skinny man to get fit and 6 pack? [closed]

My info: Man. Age: 28 Height: 174 cm (5' 8 ½") Weight: 50 kg (110 lb) Waist: 71 cm (28") I really want to get fatter fast and also fit.
Jack's user avatar
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Abdominal role in squats

Many people, websites,videos and wikipedia imply that squats, specially weighted squats train the abdominal muscles. But squatting without contracting my belly makes it that the abdominal pressure ...
Ekaen's user avatar
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Cellular muscle size

We know that individual muscles cells can either be fully active to their greatest potential or completely off, there's no such thing as partial activation. We also know that strength training ...
Ekaen's user avatar
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How Can I remove my muscle weakness? Please advise

I’m new to this site and was wondering if someone could advise After exercise (running) I’ve been left with a lot of weakness in my calf muscles (making it difficult to walk) and arm muscles ( so ...
Liyaah 's user avatar
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Working out fatigued muscles!

A lot of split routines recommend training chest with triceps and back with biceps. Doesn't fatigue play a role when working out triceps and biceps after a relatively tough chest and back workout ...
Zaitorious's user avatar
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Relationship between frequency and workout plans

Assuming Person A and Person B exercises their muscle groups twice per week for maximum hypertrophy. Considering that the only thing that seperates the two men is how they approach their workout, ...
Zaitorious's user avatar
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Neck band rotation

For a while I've been doing neck extensions,side bends,neck flexions,neck tucks and neck grip holds with bands and plates Are neck rotations with resistance band good too ? I've seen football and ...
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Partial reps for muscle growth

I've been thinking about it for some time now and came to the conclusion that chin ups and pull ups are ego-lifting partial repetitions, even when the chin is over the bar or when the chest is over ...
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Rectus abdominis vs oblique muscles

Assuming one trains both but wants to emphasize one more than the other, with more frequency and higher intensity, will obliques or the rectus abdominis improve more the strength of heavy pulls. ...
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Which diet at begining of musculation on bulking period?

I started musculation and I did only 3 sessions for now. I want to gain muscles so basically I've started by having 4200 kcal per day and having 3 trainings per week. I am more or less a skinny fat (...
BestAboutMe's user avatar
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Training like a bull

What are the benefits of training like a real bull, by moving HEAVY things on the daily? Not full body every day, just heavy carries to overload the legs and traps. Like yoke carries alternated with ...
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How is muscle micro-damage different from physical muscle damage?

It is often claimed that muscle damage is a cause for muscle strength and hypertrophy, but if this is the case, then if i cause some micro-tears to a muscle using, say, some tiny needles, would that ...
Dimtsol's user avatar
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Totally ditching chest training

What are the implications and negative side effects of NOT training the chest muscles? I train my entire body from the jaw and neck down to the feet but I'm thinking on making the pectoral muscles ...
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How to develop the smaller muscles of the back?

Whenever we see a muscular back,we think of the lats, middle back and the lower.But there are many smaller muscles which make an asthetic back.Any exercise to isolate those smaller muscle groups?
S.D's user avatar
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How to train musculation during a fasting period?

I've just finished my first musculation session. But I am a little bit affraid about my diet in a futur period, In 2 months, I'll not be able to eat till night during one month, so no breakfast, no ...
BestAboutMe's user avatar
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Bending knees in reverse hyperextension

According to this website that the target muscles of this exercise is the Gluteus, and the hamstring muscles as secondary muscles. While doing this exercise I am obliged to bend my knees since the ...
Nizar's user avatar
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Should I deload? When should I deload? And, how should I deload?

Disclaimer: I would appreciate an answer from someone who actually has experience with this practice and not someone who has just read what a "deload" is on the Internet. I recently read up on DOMS ...
two black lines in the middle's user avatar
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Strength training to prevent accidents

I am a 44 year old male. A few days ago I managed to fall skiing downhill and hurt some ligaments in my shoulder. I have done a lot of skiing in my life and must have fallen a 100 times without ...
Andy's user avatar
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Developing fast twitch muscles with small weights

Or, do we have to use heavy weights for that? Would isometric exercise be of any use? (theoretically I imagine that these don't have a top of force applied).
Pierre B's user avatar
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Does the order of exercising a specific muscle first in a split routine matters?

Does the order of exercising a specific muscle first in a split routine matters? For instance, in a chest/back, shoulders/legs or biceps/triceps routine, does exercising a specific muscle first matter ...
Zaitorious's user avatar
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Stepping down safely for knee

I had some knee injury while doing a one-legged squat a while ago. Now, I can comfortably step up, but stepping down stairs is a big problem. While stepping down, how should I orient my torso to ...
murmansk's user avatar
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Do high reps build strength?

It is believed that high repetitions (more than 12) build muscle endurance and not strength, but to me this doesn't sound right, here's why, let's suppose for example that i can curl 20 pounds for 5 ...
Dimtsol's user avatar
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Donkey kick primary muscle used

I know that in donkey kicks, glutes are the major muscle used. However I would like to ask about a technical aspect of this exercise, if while rising, the knee is kept bent (the angle alpha in the ...
Nizar's user avatar
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How to Maintain Muscle During a Layoff

I've quit the gym due to my college exams. It will take like 3 months before I go back. Please give tips on maintaining muscle mass. I do have access to body weight exercises and if there is anyway to ...
Liftedsafe01's user avatar
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Is it possible to regain muscle strength after anorexia and surgery?

So at one point I was extremely skinny (19 yo male at about 5'10 (177cm) and 92.6lbs (42kg)). Before that, I was heavier but had been losing weight and also noticed a loss of muscle strength as my ...
tsp216's user avatar
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Alcohol and gym gains

I am 19 and looking to build muscle and strength for joining the RAF. I attempt to go to the gym three times a week: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, and obviously as being 19 I love my social life and ...
paul callaghan's user avatar
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Weight lifting and muscle adhesions / knots

I've read that even someone doing yoga should also take massage / do foam rolling, in order to get out knots / adhesions. Would someone with adhesions and tight muscles do fine with lifting and ...
Ken - Enough about Monica's user avatar
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Best whey protein with no GMO [closed]

I'm interested in buying a protein powder for first time in my life. I've been reading a lot, learning about what differences between protein powders are, and 2 hours ago I made up my mind and chose "...
little_mice's user avatar
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Correct exercise extension

I am getting a bit confused with extension exercises, e.g. Back Extension and Glute extension. I don't have a specific machine, so I improvise using my normal bench to do it. What is the difference ...
murmansk's user avatar
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Starting musculation at 30 years old, is it good?

I want to start musculation soon. I am 30 years old, I am 183cm / 77 kilogrames, the last time I did sport it was maybe 1 year and a half ago. I wanted to know if to be 30 years old could be more ...
Sushi's user avatar
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Why big weight bench press makes me feel less sore?

The following is one experiment I have done: Bench press to exercise my chest. Method One: 50KG, 8~10 reps, 10 sets. During the next two days, my chest muscle did not feel as painful and sore as I ...
Sleeping On a Giant's Shoulder's user avatar
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Incline curl difficulty

I was doing this inclined curl source What i found that i could curl 25 pound with normal curl but with incline curl I can do only half of that, what is reason for decrease in strength ?
murmansk's user avatar
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Pain in Back after lifting body [closed]

I was doing decline bench press with dumb bells, and after exercise i put dumbbell on my chest and tried to lift my body but middle back felt pain middle of thoracic , my body was not lifted enough ...
murmansk's user avatar
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Excercise to avoid Back Pain after crunches

There are number of articles saying some hip flexors inflexibility cause stress on spine and hence cause pain in lower back due to crunches or leg lift or even squats. What can i do as exercise which ...
murmansk's user avatar
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Can protein obtained from eating insect totally replace red meat, fish and egg white? [closed]

I am training hard and my goal is to build myself into a guy with big muscle. I know eating properly is something that can't be ignored on my road to success. I have heard that insects can offer ...
Sleeping On a Giant's Shoulder's user avatar
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Does excessive running training like Marathon eat away muscle growth?

Alex Viada possesses the incredible strength of a bodybuilder together with cool-looking muscle. What's more, his best mile time is a 4:32. His half marathon is 1:31. A professional long distance ...
Sleeping On a Giant's Shoulder's user avatar
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Question about rep ranges and muscle fiber activation.

The usual claim is that high reps build slow twitch muscle fibers and low reps build fast ones. However I feel this is not quite right, I believe that to build slow twitch muscle fibers one has to ...
Dimtsol's user avatar
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looking for best way to progressively increase my leg muscles without making my hurt cartilage more hurt? [closed]

I have chondromalacia patella under which the cartilage has become a lot thinner than a normal person's. I have no idea why that happens to a young man like me. I have not had any external injuries. ...
Sleeping On a Giant's Shoulder's user avatar
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How to burn fat and build muscle at the same time? [duplicate]

My cousin, whom is a professional bodybuilder suggested I start a diet plan. I am 5' 8" tall and weigh 69 kilograms. I want to build muscle and lose belly fat at the same time and was skeptical as to ...
Farhan stands with Palestine's user avatar
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Eating not right -gain muscles or no

Eating right has many advantages on our health and can help building muscles. On the other hand fast foods, sugar etc. are detrimental for gaining muscles. What is the reason for this? If a thin guy ...
e.p's user avatar
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Why is it that my Deltoid muscle cracks sometimes when I lift my arm?

I have come to situations where I finish exercising, or not even exercising , I lift my right arm, and within the shoulder muscle (Deltoid); the muscle cracks (inside the muscle). My left shoulder ...
natural's user avatar
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