Questions tagged [pregnancy]

Pregnancy is the condition where a woman is carrying one or more offspring.

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6 votes
2 answers

Suggestions on Postpartum exercises

I know that everyone is different and you should be getting cleared by your MD, but once they do clear you, what are some good exercises to do to help your body recover? Specifically to help with ...
Ilianna's user avatar
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5 votes
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Womans Abdominal issues

I've had 2 kids, neither recently. My 2nd pregnancy caused extreme weight gain and severe stretch marks on the lowest part of my abdomen, between the belly button n the pubic bone and between both ...
Jess's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Examples of exercises for pregnant lady (10wks, previous just cross-trainer)

I'm trying to find some varied exercises for a pregnant lady, 10 weeks into her pregnancy. Speaking the the doctor, she said that the amount of exercise should be no more than what you were doing ...
VictorySaber's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How much exercise should a pregnant woman do?

It's in most people's knowledge that pregnant women should generally not exercise due to the risk of harming the baby with prolonged and strenuous work-outs. If one was pregnant, but still wanted to ...
Grace's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

What is the most effective way to improve a saggy belly?

I used to have a fairly flat stomach but I had a baby 4 months ago by c-section and my lower abdomen is quite saggy. What can I do to lose the extra weight there and get it taut?
Christine's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

After Pregnancy: exercise to close gap in vertical muscles in abs

In "What to Expect When You're Expecting" after birth of baby, it advises to close the gap in your vertical ab muscles before going back to a strenuous routine. My questions are: 1) checking for the ...
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