Questions tagged [resistancetraining]

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6 votes
2 answers

What's a good strength training program for a beginner? [duplicate]

What are some good strength training options for someone just starting out? Specifically related to building a solid foundation of strength across all major muscle groups.
Eric's user avatar
  • 14.8k
63 votes
1 answer

What are the trade-offs of weight versus repetition?

When working out with weights, what is the impact of the trade-off between the amount of weights used the number of times an exercise is repeated For example, I can perform an exercise 3 sets x 10 ...
behzad's user avatar
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12 votes
7 answers

Is it possible to effectively build muscle mass using resistance bands?

I will be living in Africa for the next year, with little access to a gym. I was thinking about purchasing a portable gym resistance band set, but I'm skeptical of the efficacy of resistance bands in ...
Parseltongue's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

What differences in the muscle structure can be seen when trained for Strength vs Hypertrophy vs Endurance?

This question is bugging me for few weeks now. Its not that I didn't try to look up. I never found a complete answer in an understandable language. From the articles I read over internet I could just ...
claws's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Which mimimum set of resistance exercises should I do every day to offset the effects of sitting at work?

I am looking for a simple resistance training program that will offset the adverse effects of sitting on my muscles and posture. Taking a look at this figure: I see that I must strengthen the glutes ...
Andy's user avatar
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