Questions tagged [target-heart-rate]

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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Is time spent in elevated heart rate zones due to sensory rather than movement stimulus as beneficial?

There are much touted benefits off for example zone 2 cardio time. In order to achieve this people may do deliberate activities such as rucking. But I’ve noticed that my heart rate can get elevated ...
Frank's user avatar
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How do I determine Zone 2 HR and Wattage without Lactate tests?

What does the HR curve look like if wattage is too high? Also, how does HR/ideal Wattage vary from day to day and with different bikes (Assuming bikes of course)? Would HR be the same with other forms ...
Olav's user avatar
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HIIT / HIT training with Heart Rate Monitor

I understand using heart rate as a measure of how hard you train is difficult with HIIT (Compared to steady cardio). So I am looking for programs in direction of HIIT/HIT where I can use it. The ...
Olav's user avatar
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Is there a free heart rate monitor for iPhone 5 that will notify me if I exceed a specific heart rate?

I'm not usually able to look at my phone when I'm working out so I was wondering if there is a heart rate monitor, or heart rate monitor and app combination, that will let me know if I exceed a heart ...
Jackmc1047's user avatar