Questions tagged [treatment]

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2 answers

Knee injuries, chiropractors vs doctors [closed]

One big issue with orthopedic injuries is that doctors do not like chiropractors apparently and never refer someone to a chiropractor. For example, the Mayo Clinic's informational page on knee ...
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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2 answers

Periodic workout routine to fix anterior pelvic tilt?

I have recently discovered that the reason my body curves out at my lower back is because of anterior pelvis tilt. I have spent a while looking at possible fixes, but all the sites that I have found ...
user7521143's user avatar
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2 answers

Does anything treat and/or prevent inflammation

I train in long distance running and sometimes end up with typical running injuries often attributed to inflammation. For example, I recently had to take long-ish breaks because of what I believe to ...
anthonyvd's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the efficacy of shock wave therapy in treating plantar fasciitis?

I have had plantar fasciitis for over a year now, have tried a variety of treatments (e.g. stretching, golf ball rolling, night splint, physical therapy, etc.), and would like to know the efficacy of ...
DWA's user avatar
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4 answers

How can Kinesio tape provide support for tendonitis

I have a mild case of Posterior Tibial Tendonitis, the physio has applied some Kinesio tape for support whilst it heals up. My understanding of tendons and muscles was that there wasn't much friction ...
BanksySan's user avatar
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1 answer

Sprain or strain - what's the difference and how to treat? [closed]

After a week of extensive exercising involving cycling, running, swimming and soccer I woke up Sunday morning with a sharp pain in what I think is my soleus muscle. Definitely not an achilles, but ...
going's user avatar
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3 votes
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Pain in upper chest and upper back, what can i do?

Firstly, the exercises I normally do are running or sports such as soccer etc. For probably the last 6-12 months, I've been having discomfort in my upper chest. Lately, it feels like it's getting ...
stickman's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How do I treat chafing?

I believe that just about every sports athlete and fitness guru has run into this problem. I've addressed already what to do to prevent chaffing, but let's say that we didn't follow that. What are ...
James Mertz's user avatar
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