Questions tagged [wrist]

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5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Why are wrist curls on bench often pointed to the sagital plane?

In every video I find about wrist extensions, there is a slight turn of the forearm into the sagital plane: Source What is the logic behidn this?
tryst with freedom's user avatar
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Wrist pain with UHG deadlifts and fat grip pullups

About six months ago, I hurt my wrist whilst doing deadlifts with an underhanded grip (i.e. the position at the top of the deadlift looks like the bottom of a bicep curl). The pain was at the base of ...
user15896's user avatar
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How to unrack the front squat?

I'm trying to figure out how to properly unrack the front squat. Unfortunately there seems to be a real scarcity for good quality guides on the same. Also an interesting point was mentioned by Thomas ...
tryst with freedom's user avatar
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Rice alternative for rice bucket wrist/grip exercise (aka "dirty rice")?

Love these exercises, but I live in a very humid climate, and the rice getting moldy pretty soon (plus it is a health hazard). Would you suggest some alternatives? At the top of my head, I can think ...
toraritte's user avatar
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Wrist pain when cycling for over an hour

I never had any injuries to my wrists in any sport, but I started to pick up cycling again (about 2 days a week) and when I go on for over an hour my wrists start hurting. I used to do cycling when ...
MJB's user avatar
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