I always heard that the post-workout protein shake is the most crucial time to take fast-absorbing whey protein. I can't take a post-workout shake for these reasons:
- I live 30 minutes away from the gym. By the time I get home to prepare the shake, the optimal window for protein absorption will have elapsed.
- I prefer to mix the whey protein with milk, not water. I can't make the shake before hand and take it to the gym with me. The milk will spoil when unrefrigerated for an hour or two.
What I've been doing to make up for the lack of post-workout shake is to eat a relatively slower digesting protein an hour before hitting the gym - usually chicken, beef, or pork. I'm hoping that by timing it right, the protein release will be at its peak right when my workout ends. I'm not 100% sure if I'm timing right. I'm only going by my gut feeling, literally. Do you have any suggestions for improvements on this alternative to the post-workout shake?