I am a house call personal trainer. I go to my clients' homes and train them there. I bring along the equipment which consists of a foam roller, a mat, valslides and resistance bands.
At first I would have my clients use the bands to perform overhead presses to work the shoulders. The problem is that they would always complain about the buckle or clip is irritating them on their backs and upper arms. This is a valid complaint. I also noticed that the bands do not make a good substitute for free weights for this particular exercise. I have tried it myself and it felt all wrong.
Instead I decided to work their shoulders by doing side and front raises. I figured that since I have them doing rows and pull downs which work their rear delts, plus I have them doing push ups which work their front delts, I can have them do side raises to work the sides.
I recently stumbled upon an article that stated that these exercises cause more harm than good. I am at a loss really, and not really sure how to proceed with training the shoulders of my clients.
Any help would really go a long way!