I've been running for 11 weeks doing the Couch to 10K program, with 8-9 weeks of that being in Vibram FiveFingers Bikila LS. As I've steadily increased the amount of running in my workout, I've started experiencing toward the end of my workout (last 10 minutes or so) a semi-painful almost numbing sensation from slightly behind the base of my toes to the ends of the two toes nearest my big toe on my left foot only.
Bottom of Foot Diagram from Bottom of Foot Pain
The toes hurt in the area right around where the above image is marked "Toe cramps" and feel more numb and less painful toward the ends of the toes. Changing the distribution of weight on my foot as I run doesn't seem to help any with the pain once it starts. The pain goes away just a few minutes after my workout is completed and I've taken a short break.
Is this a result of the minimalist running shoes, am I possibly landing wrong on my foot, or is it something that will work itself out with enough time?