I would like to acquire a V-sit and V-hang (from a neutral vertical hang; without chest or shoulder assistance). I can hold a passable L-sit for 5-10 seconds on parallettes, but not from a hang (although I can hold one better at the top of a pull-up). I may be missing some technical points when executing the L-hang given how it lags behind.
I have a fairly clear idea of progressions to develop the L-sit (such as shown in this video), but what I'm less clear on is what pattern of training to apply; rounds, repetitions, days, and so on.
I'd also welcome suggestions for exercises. My current plan was to focus on holding a tuck and then partially extend the legs as possible. With a view to Vs I wonder how I should attempt to train that range of motion, since my legs never go past the horizontal at the moment I wonder whether I will actually progress towards the V without some elastic bands or a partner to support the legs, even if I improve my Ls?
The sort of answer I'm looking for is of the form: "X seconds every Y days of L-sit/tuck/lifts." I'd like to push this fairly hard.