I have noticed that I fatigue and develop a swollen or "tight" feeling in my muscles from doing too many reps. The amount of reps defined as "too many" is any over about 5.
I notice that even if I'm just squatting without any weight (using only my bodyweight) I get the same effect ... tightness, swollen feeling, fatigue, and usually DOMS if I continue sets like this.
What I want to know is: why is this? I mean I tend to almost always stay in the 1-5 rep range, but that's for strength building. I don't have a serious regimen, but that shouldn't explain why any amount of reps causes this sensation.
Say I squat 135 lbs. for 3 ... sure, it takes decent work, but if I were to do 3 reps without the weight, I'd still get that swollen, tired sensation.
Are my muscles just lazy (is that possible)? Am I unconditioned for reps so bad that any endurance is off-tracking for my nervous system?
I don't care for many reps, but I am just wondering why I get this aftermath from simply trying a few more reps here and there with varying weights.
PS: Yes, even after stretching of any kind it's the same problem. I try to get several days between workouts, but that "tired, aching" sensation lasts for days or even weeks.