First I want to say I know absolutely nothing about food or nutrition. So please write in terms I can understand.
I am 18 years old and I exercise in order to help in building muscle. My weight is 53 killograms. I am also a vegan (well actually a vegetarian since I do eat some milk and eggs, but little so most of my protein I get from plants). I know that in order to build muscle, I have to get enough protein.
I'm able to get protein from foods like beans, lentils, nuts, (I think) grains.
However I'm really not sure how much daily protein is plenty enough to help build muscle. I'm also not sure how much vegan food I need to eat daily in order to get this amount of protein.
Some numbers will be very helpful:
What is the amount of protein I need to eat daily in order to help build muscles?
What vegan foods can I eat that have plenty of protein, and how much of these foods should I eat daily in order to build muscle?
In terms of amounts, I'm really not sure what I'm doing. So help will be great. Thanks