I've been doing a body weight workout that I found on www.nerdfitness.com regularly for a while now (scaling it up as needed), the workout in its current state is as follows:
3 circuits with ~1-2 min rest in between
1 circuit is:
20 body weight squats
15 push-ups
20 standing lunges (10 each leg)
20 dumbbell rows (with each arm)
~50-60 sec plank (but I probably count slow)
30 jumping jacks
I am looking for an exercise to replace the dumbbell rows, I only have a 10 lb bell and its too easy also, the bench I have to use for it is uneven and my form is always effed up.
So I am looking for a replacement for that exercise, but also just general critiques of the routine and what I could do better.
If someone wants to let me know exactly what muscle-groups these exercises target and If there's anything I'm neglecting; that'd be awesome aswell.
Available resources:
I don't have a chin up bar, near my workout area, there is something I can use, but its not near my workout area, but If I just try to do pullups/chinups whenever I think of it, but I also work out that muscle group during my workout, that isn't like to much is it?
I am working out outside on the grass, no tables or anything like that around just that uneven bench I mentioned earlier.
I do have a barbell with some weights, but Is mixing that with body weight a good idea? like the idea is a bunch of exercises quickly, but if i swap out, say the squats, with weighted squats, I can't just go right into whatever weight I want to use right? I have to like work up to it, which would mess the flow up and just take to much time imo. IDK i'm a beginner here.