I was advice to start c25k workout schedule in this post, but as I run, I am worry about my knees. Today is my 4th workout since the start of c25k.
My knees have been strange since some years ago, even I didn't commit to running several times a week like now. The problem is when I walk, my knees feel very strange. I am no expert to biology, I can only describe it like this: The part where the knees connect to my lower legs feel like empty or lacking something in between.
The syndrome will not appear if I stand still or sit. When I run or walk faster so that the pressure increase, the feeling appears.
Oh, should I see the doctor again? Should I stop running, or running will heal this problem?
By the way, I don't workout in my life till now. In my university life, I spent 60 minutes walking to and from my school, would it sounds like the connective tissue wear out?
Here is the position I mention: