I have always been a sport junkie, running once a week 15 miles, doing weight lifting and practicing kettlebells. After the new year the doctors found a tumor in my chest and luckily now after the treatment I can begin to train and continue with normal life. Anyway the therapy affected the power and endurance of the body and since before the disease I wasn't used to such circumstances now I am a little lost regarding the training.
While I haven't lost much power and am able to lift almost the same weights as before, the endurance is really low right now and I would appreciate if anyone could suggest what kind of weight training (is it better to begin with lower weights and do more repetitions, is it good to train every day...) and running (should I maintain a constant heart rate or is it better to do intervals, is it better to run long distances or is it better to run shorter distances at higher heart rate...) would be appropriate to get back in shape and regain the endurance in this situation.
Thank you!