Ever since I started getting into powerlifting at age 16, I've been weighing 100kg+ at 192cm. Lately I've burned a ton of fat by playing badminton and my bodyweight is now around 90kg with 7%bf. However I'm trying to get to around 80-85kg now since I notice most badminton pros my height weigh between 70-82. This means I have to cut some muscle mass. Which makes me wonder if anyone has some nice information or articles about how much muscle mass do you need relative to your height and bodytype in order to maximize strength to weight ratio?
- Let's assume the athlete already has an optimal bodyfat% so they can't cut fat anymore
- Let's also assume that the neurological efficiency of the muscle mass is very high and the strength of the athlete's muscle is close to powerlifting records for that weight class.
Here's a chart I made based on some existing drugfree powerlifting records: http://puu.sh/hZNC8/48a8ccfec5.png We can see that the general trend seems to be the lighter the athlete, the higher their strength to weight ratio. However these records involve different people with different body compositions. The lighter strength athletes will also likely be shorter people. So this doesn't really help me that much because what I want to know is how having more or less muscle mass would affect the strength to weight ratio of people with the same body composition