I recently picked up bouldering contrasting my distance running training quite nicely.
From my run training I learned that training about every other day seems to give really good results, but how about bouldering?
Let me sketch out my current bouldering training:
Do a little stretching and 1 or 2 easy boulders for warm up. I also ride my bike 4-8 km to the bouldering hall and count that as warm up as well.
Either do boulders of medium difficulty in order to improve my moves or work on the ones I can't finish yet. I do this until I notice that I loosing the strength required. This happens after 4-10 boulders.
Do easy boulders; until I'm really exhausted.
Do some core strength training (planks, situps, legups ...)
The goal of all this is in roughly this order:
Have fun (which requires avoiding serious injuries, since those aren't fun)
Improve my bouldering, ie. be able to climb more difficult boulders
Improve my strength.
I won't mind loosing some weight, but that is not the main goal of this activity.
So the question is: How often should I do training like this for optimum effect? Once a week? Every other day? Twice a day?
My actual training schedule is mostly defined by other things, but sometimes there is a lot of free time available and I want to be able to use that as well as possible.