I am desperate. I've always heard that when you hit a plateau you can adjust your workouts or your eating habits. I've done BOTH, and seen absolutely no progress in my weight loss. I started out at an all time high weight of 133, (I am a 5' flat female) and a few weeks ago I managed to get down to a very shaky 126, where I knew I would probably gain back a few lbs in the near future. I was stable at 128 for nearly 3 weeks, and now am back to 132. Here's exactly what I ate today, and this is what I always eat like, (Used to just be more of everything, and I used to eat a LOT of gluten) but lately I've really cut back on amounts in my attempt to lose weight. Everything in my house is made from scratch with very high quality ingredients. I actually wonder if I eat too well.
Oatmeal with honey. (Big breakfast, normally I just have toast)
Lunch brought from home:
cucumber slices
whole strawberries
chicken soup
I haven't had dinner yet, but last night I had the same chicken soup and strawberries. I haven't been eating any snacks between meals for the last few months, but today I was so furious with the scale I ate two slices of homemade bread and some chocolate. This is the first time I've ever done that. Its also the first gluten I've eaten in a month and now I'm feeling rather sick. I'm also in such a rotten mood I'm not working out right now, when I usually do for around an hour. This is a part of my workout from yesterday just to give you a taste of what I like to do:
front squat and weighted lunge 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
2 rounds 250 single unders
modified WOD 5 rounds 30 pushups 40 butterfly sit ups 50 weighted squats
I also did a glute and arm workout. This was an easy day. I think that I work out HARD. What the @#$% is wrong with me??? I've worked out for years, not with the intent to lose weight, mainly in training for track, and never lost weight from any of that. Am I just destined to be one weight? I don't even think I've been changing my body consistency. No muscle gains or anything. Actually maybe a little bit in my arms, and maybe if I'm lucky, I'm seeing something in my stomach. I don't want to look like a supermodel (Gross) I just want to be happy with my body. My mom said I was fat, sparking all of this @#$$.