Assuming you run ~6mph, you're not adding very much daily, maybe 30 seconds. That shouldn't be an issue, no. What will affect it, however, is how far/fast you're running, and how long you've been running for. Second is how frequently you follow this plan.
If you just started a week ago, your calves will not be used to the exercise and will be unused to the change, therefore taking longer to recover while being in a little more pain. Just stretch it out, and try not to run more than once every couple days. Which is the second point, if you're running 5 days in a row, your body won't have ample time to recover. I'd suggest 3-4 days a week, if you need to supplement other cardio, walking or cycling can be assisted without the same high impact exercises as running.
I wouldn't say 210 is on the heavier side either, that shouldn't affect you too too much. Your calves are most likely sore because you're not allowing enough time for recovery between runs, or you're still in the beginning stages. If you'd like any other info, feel free to give a little more insight and I'd be happy to give more specific advice!