My wife and I are both generally fit, neither of us run and both of us are interested in introducing it to our fitness plan.
I study (and teach) Taekwondo while she does extensive aerobic exercise every morning. We both have good cardiovascular systems and good endurance. It would be great to introduce recreational distance running to the exercise plan since we live in an area that offers a lot of gorgeous options for it. However, we're both middle-aged now so we're trying to be sensible about getting started.
- What are some risks for us to watch out for? Skeletal stress? Muscles?
- Should we be looking for different gear?
- Does the target stride change as you get older? The pace?
For what it's worth, I've seen this older question:
What are the basics to slowly becoming a runner?
While "Use Couch 2 5K" is a suggestion, it doesn't really address age-related issues beyond "this is a pretty good app."