Currently I'm doing 3 workouts per week: Monday, Wednseday, Friday. There's two workout templates, A and B, which simply alternate. It's basically the StrongLifts 5x5 and Starting Strength approach. All workouts have squats, and until now the deadlift was on workout A (so one week there'd be two deadlift sessions, the other week one). The deadlift is only done for one work set after warm-up. Thus far, the weight on the squats was increased every workout.

The plan was to turn Wednesday into a lighter back-off day for the squats once recovering started getting heavy, and at that point also do only one deadlift session per week. Since I'm feeling some lingering back stiffness from workout to workout, and progressing on the squats and deadlifts is getting increasingly difficult, now seems like a good time.

The question then is, which day would be best to put the deadlifts on? I can either put it on one of the heavy squat days (Monday/Friday) or on the lighter squat day (Wednesday). There's advantages and disadvantages to every choice.

  • On Monday I'd have to do it after heavy squats, with my back and legs already tired. But the last workout will have been 3 days ago and it being the start of the work week I'll still be fresh.
  • On Wednesday the squats will have been lighter and will interfere less with the deadlifts. But it's intended as a day to facilitate recovery and doing deadlifts on that day might defeat that purpose.
  • On Friday there's the same problem as Monday: heavy squat + deadlift. But I tend to be enthusiastic cause the weekend is around the corner, the deadlift is the last exercise I do so I tend to have a "let's go mentality" and I'll get a whole weekend to recover from it, unlike Monday/Wednesday.

Is there any choice that's definitely better? My goal is to continue linear progression as long as possible and gradually move into the Texas Method programming style (where deadlifts are on the volume day, but I feel more inclined to put them on the intensity day).


1 Answer 1


It is a compromise you have to make between lifting at maximal strength and being better at managing fatigue overall. If your CNS can manage it, then doing deadlifts with other high intensity movements should be fine for advanced lifters....not so much for beginners.

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