I'm a calisthenics enthusiast training towards advanced exercises like (Tuck-) Planche, Handstand Push Ups, (Ring-) Muscle Ups, Human Flag, etc. Because of a torn muscle fiber in my left forearm, I have to pause doing such exercises for at least 6 weeks. Now I am afraid of loosing muscles in my arms and shoulders. Which other exercises can I do in order to prevent muscle decreases as best as possible? Other suggestions are greatly appreciated as well!
Update: Recently, I talked to a sports student who encouraged me to do sports despite my injury. He told me it is fine (even beneficial) to load the injured muscle - provided it does not hurt - to strengthen it from the very beginning. Now, after two weeks of recovery, it actually feels okay to do some push ups or hand stands.
What do you think? Is he right that loading the muscle a bit can be beneficial for the recovery, or do you recommend to rest strictly?