First off all the best wishes to everyone! May you all achieve new sportive heights this year :)
I have a small question. I did a cardio-test last year to determine my heartrate-zones. Together with a training-plan. The doctor told me that doing speedwork as noted in the results would increase my steady-state speed. Yet I did all the exercises the last couple of (6) months and yet I still keep running at 9'15"/mile (5'45"/km) and I don't notice any (not even slightly) difference in my heart-rate whilst running at that pace.
Is it possible to increase the base-running speed? If so how long does it take before the intensive training (intervals & repeats) start to influence this speed?
Any advice (or new insights) would be greatly appreciated.
FYI: The training-schedule for this week (but similar to every other week).
Monday: 1h of easy running (5'45"-6'/km). Heart rate below aerobic threshold
Tuesday: 10' Warmup - 5 times( 1 mile at 5'/km + 0.5mile at 6'/km). Heart rate between Aerobic & lactate-treshold - 10' Cooldown
Thursday: 10' Warmup - 5 times (4' All-out + 2' recovery). Heart rate during interval higher then lactate-treshhold - 10' Cooldown
Friday: 30min to 40min easy - running at 6'/km. Heart rate below aerobic threshold
Sunday: 2h Easy Running - (5'45"-6'/km). Heart rate below aerobic threshold
Note 1
- Sleep is OK (8h to 9h) each day easily
- losing weight isn't an option. I'm already very thin: BMI: 21 / fat percentage: 10 to 15%
Note 2 I did a heart-performance test with a specialised doctor & this was the output
- <145 bpm (fat burn zone)
- 145bpm - 155bpm (lsd-zone)
- 155bpm aerobic threshold (achieved while running for a long time at 5'45"/km)
- 156bpm - 163bpm (extensive zone)
- 163bpm - 169bpm (intensive zone)
- 170bpm (=lactate treshhold)