I was ill, a flu, or other infection. I know that I had to suspend training sessions. This time it was 2 weeks, so nothing really special. It happens to me from time to time, and usually 2-3 weeks are lost. Then it takes another 2-4 weeks to get back to the weights I had before suspension.

My plan on getting back is - as follows:

First training. I'm doing half of weights - just to find out if everything is OK. I learned it can happen that I feel well, but my body is still ill. So I start with something small, and then get with higher. At each training, somewhere in the middle I test if a higher weight is not a problem - in the beginning higher means +20%. If that works then, next training means +10%. Usually that is too much. Also usually, a single set is not a problem, but whole training is different story.

My question is quite simple. Can I do it better? Can I recover faster? Maybe it is better to go with "normal" weight, and do less is better then slowly going up? Please share your ideas, tips, experience. Every answer is welcome!

  • 2
    Simplie answer is - not really. Thats how recovery goes. As an advice - better do fullbody training when you on your recovery, if you didn't already, this way it goes little faster Commented Jan 18, 2018 at 14:50
  • I think that's pretty normal and I think you're being pretty smart about it. This is response is definitely more a comment than an answer, but especially the first week (which it sounds like you're doing) your ego is put on the shelf for a bit and you muscle through the indignity of 1/2 your weights.
    – Eric
    Commented Jan 19, 2018 at 21:27

2 Answers 2


Fitness is a marathon not a sprint. Honestly your plan sounds perfect. Feel things out and increase as you feel ready.

Why rush anything? Listen to your body and stick with your plan -- it's a good one.


I don't think there is anything wrong with choosing to go less weight, and potentially then add more reps. And then you could set your workout routine to factor in a progressive overload of the weight in your sets as the weeks go on...

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