Here and here you can see me bench press 200 Kg.
I don't bench 200Kg 440 Lbs all year long. After reaching the 200, it goes down gradually back to 160 and then 160 for 2 reps and slowly up.
I use several paths in achieving that but the most common is 10 sets of 1-2 reps.
My question here today is related to an injure that happens sometimes. I am currently doing 2 reps on 180 Kg. I did this on sunday, but after benching I went doing some chest flies which I normally do.
I hurt my chest tendon, so today wednesday
I am still feeling it.
this picture came from this website below:
Rupture Of The Pectoralis Major
Im have been putting ice in the morning over it, and I have not trained since sunday but today is wednesday and I want to go again.
I will do it light with extra amount of warming up and stretching, and keep monitoring it.
This question is not so straight forward but what I would like to know is:
I know that this was caused by the 180Kg x 2 plus the flies how can I progress and what is there that I should do and\or take to keep my chest tendons healthy and carry on progressing towards the 200Kg?
I am natural but would consider any
supplement for a cycle if that is what it would take.
I prefer remaining natural though, so that is my first choice.