I am a 45 year old male. For 2 months I have been training weights acccording to the Starting Strength program twice a week. That is except for the power clean which I have not been doing yet. My strength has been improved quite a bit. However when I was younger I could jump up and place my hand around the rim of a basketball hoop. I tried this today and was nowhere near this. So I want to improve my explosive strength. I am therefore looking for a few simple but effective exercises for building explosive strength with emphasis on jumping and sprinting.
I understand the power clean is one way to do this. However when Mark Rippetoe wrote his excellent book he choose to restrict himself by the subtitle: "Basic Barbell Training". So there may be better ways to train explosive strength but he could not include them in his book.
Another way may be box jumps and medicine ball high wall throws. These exercises seem less technical challenging than power clean. I read this article: Hang Cleans vs. Weighted Jumps in which the author Joe Defranco claims that weighted jumps are safer and have more carryover than power cleans. Seems it is easy to hurt ones wrist doing power cleans.
I assume I would be doing these exercise before I do my squats and deadlifts?
I also do interval running for 30 minutes twice a week. My strength sessions already take 1 h so I don't want to prolonge them by much. Could I add these exercises to the end of my interval running? I experimented with adding sprints to the end of my running today. Seems to train the muscles quite well.