I'm a relatively new runner and have managed to keep it up for about a month now of doing 2 miles or so every two days. I'm 5'11 and weigh 80.4kg However, I've come across a problem I cant seem to solve. I'm starting to get bad muscle pain in my calves while running. I stepped up the distance by a mile recently and reduced the amount of hills I went up to ease my way into it. However, about a mile and a bit in, Ive started to feel my legs burn. My calves start aching bad but I can hold out till I get home. They hurt for a bit after the run but I dont get pain the next day or anything, so I dont think Im overworking it. I've always stretched beforehand and as the pain pccurs a mile in, I doubt its the lack of adequate stretching. I assumed firstly that it was just tearing the muscles and hence becoming stronger, so I gave myself more rest between runs and as I said, my legs dont hurt in the mean time. However the leg pain keeps coming back and it seems to be coming sooner and sooner. I dont mind the pain, however I want to be able to run further, just my body cant physically do it. My legs are screaming for me to stop.
I figure its just muscle regrowth that I'm tearing while running and hence making the muscles stronger. I eat heathily and keep a pace of about 11 kph. I've considered doing some training on my calves to make them stronger but I worry Ill just make them worse.
Any advice?