Am 5 6" male 61 kg, fit and active.
I seem not able to stand straight and bend to reach my toes while keeping a straight back. I feel tight near my hamstrings and my back begins to round and I am only able to reach my palm to around my lower shin.
Even when I am sitting I am unable to reach my toes and experience the same problem when trying ab exercises like L sits and leg raises, I struggle to keep my legs at a 90 degree angle though with leg raises I can easily rep out with a small bend in my knees but it feels tight when straight leg.
Not sure if this is related, but I've noticed that I can't squat with normal stance ATG without raising my heels. I therefore do a semi-sumo width stance to get parallel but I have low ankle mobility too, so this squat issue might be a problem from both areas but not sure.
Any people faced the same issue or know any workaround? Or is it a genetic issues / proportion of my body that gives this problem?