I am male,35 years old, 75 kg (with a lot of fat around the chest and belly), and 180 cm. I have been doing Karate for 20 years since I was 7 years old. I was very fit but after my back injury (I have taken so many anti-inflammatories), I then got Helicobacter which has been eradicated after long years, from this moment everything in my body/mind has changed to the worst.
I have been tested for testosterone level and it was so low, 350 ng/dL. Before I did the test, I was complaining of very low energy, struggling to improve my weight lifting, long time recovery, and to gain muscle.
I have improved since I started lifting but I feel I am very slow, I gained a little of muscles but not much compared to the amount of time spent. I have been in the gym for 9 months to train but the result does not seem great. I have hired a personal trainer but it seems he does not understand that I am far from a normal healthy person that I can follow his program.
My doc suggested to try for two weeks TRT but he said only two weeks since he said it has side effects that could worsen my situation (I have histamine intolerance). I would say I have been through a lot of health issue form the Herniated disc( helicobacter and gastritis were for years), Now facing Histamine intolerance which makes me hard to get enough protein since I do not tolerate almost all rich protein food and the protein shake as well(I can take with suffering from histamine reaction) My training plan is 03 times a week, 1H15 each time. with a cardio (hiking, swimming, treadmill for 30min)
the plan for 8 weeks is:
1-Turkish Get Up: 03 sets of 03 rep for each side with 6Kg.
2-Deadlift: 03 sets of 10 reps with 18Kg.
3-Pelvic tilt: 03 sets of 10 reps.
4-Chin up: 03 sets of 8 reps.
5-Lat pull: 03 sets of 10 with 9 Kg.
6-Single leg squat: 03 sets of 8 reps.
7-Gladiator: 03 sets of 7 reps.
Note: I feel very exhausted during the chin up, single-leg squat, Gladiator which was not the case when I used to train for 4 hours without any a problem.
Nutrition: I just try to eat as much as Protein I can tolerate:
1-Protein: Yellow egg (6 per day), cheese (Gouda 60-90mg per day ), chicken 250gr per day, 30gr rice protein shake, a lot of olive oil, sometimes salmon fish.Can't eat red meat(anaphylaxis reaction).
2-carbs: I really don't count that. But, Yes I exaggerated with the sugar intake(a lot of fruit and chocolate around 70gr of sugar per day).
My questions:
- How can I adapt my training to gain muscles with my Low T?
- Is it safe to train with Low T and is there specific programs for men with Low T?
- Is there hope in boosting my testosterone with diet?