I want to train up to do a pistol squat, and am trying to follow the general advice outlined on the Beast Skills Tutorial, but I'm trying to understand which of the 3 major styles of squats (low bar back squat, high bar back squat, front squat) would be most applicable to pistol strength.
I tried to do a direct pistol progression, but found that my hips and hamstrings were pitifully weak, so I think that basic barbell squatting is a good place to start until I get closer to a level of strength where I could switch over to the skill work I'd need to master the balance / coordination of a pistol.
Would one particular style of squatting me more helpful than the others for this? Looking at pictures of people on the internet doing pistols, I'd see that:
- The shin is relatively vertical
- The knee is behind the toes
- The hips are pushed far back
So I'd think that I'd want to train low bar backsquats. Thoughts?
Am I overthinking ths?
About me: I'm 180lbs, and I can low bar back squat 155lbs 3x5. My goal was to be able to squat 120% of my weight for 3x5, then start working in the skill work for pistols. I'm still in a very early phase of training squats, so I think this number should rise pretty quickly.