Questions tagged [chest]

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12 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Unracking the Chest Press Machine without Pedals

previously I used to workout in a gym where there was a chest press machine with pedals like that However my actual gym just has a plate loaded chest press without pedals: Since my shoulders hurt ...
Kinka-Byo's user avatar
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Which is the proper point of contact with the bench in bench press?

When I perform the bench press, and all similar exercises where it is usefult to brace against the bench (by thinking of squeezing the its fabric), such as dumbbell inclined press etc, I feel a ...
Kinka-Byo's user avatar
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Resistance band chest press

I am trying out resistance band workouts. I am fairly experienced using barbells and dumbbells. While trying chest press using a band, I feel my triceps more than my chest. What could be possibly ...
aneeshere's user avatar
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Pronated vs neutral chest press

The machine I use for upper chest uses free weight instead of a cable stack but my question is regarding the handles, which are similar to the picture below, and resulting hand position. Using the ...
Ethan's user avatar
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How to split a chest weightlifting workout for twice a week

I am an advanced beginner in terms of weightlifting but noticed I am not getting enough development in my chest, particularly my upper chest seems a bit less developed than the rest. Some of this ...
krishnab's user avatar
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Is lower chest isolation necessary?

As a beginner, like a lot of beginners, I did way too much volume. Eventually, I went in the complete other direction and currently use a high intensity, low volume regime. I now do 6 working sets per ...
Ethan's user avatar
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left and right shoulders are asymmetrical

My left and right shoulders are asymmetrical. My left shoulder seems attached with my upper chest perfectly whereas my right shoulder and upper chest has a gap between them. How can i make them equal? ...
Surya's user avatar
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Extended chest pump - 1 and a half days

After a 6 month break after finishing a 10 week (5 day/week) fitness program, I restarted it last week. Last week I only went to gym 2 days out of five (Monday & Friday) and this week all the way ...
Radu Gheorghiu's user avatar
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Why is my incline bench the same with dumbbells as it is with the barbel

I have heard that your bench press should be around 15% weaker with dumbbells as it is with the barbell. This pretty much holds true for my flat bench. All these stats are for sets of 6: for incline ...
Ethan's user avatar
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Freestyle swimming: Where to breath in (chest vs. stomach)?

Everyone just talks about inhaling, but no one ever specifies whether to breath in your chest (shallow breathing, clavicular breathing, thoracic breathing), your stomach (Diaphragmatic breathing, ...
user25352's user avatar
-1 votes
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Feeling weaker after injury

Recently I started going back to the gym after a 2 month break because I had some problems with my shoulders and the rotator cuffs. When I went back I lowered the weights on all my exercises by 30%-40%...
Haider Sarhan's user avatar
-4 votes
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Dumbbell bench press tutorial

I need a full definitive guide for dumbbell bench press but when i search on web, i get only results for barbell bench press. Any source you know?
Akash's user avatar
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