Questions tagged [crawl]

Most common competitive swimming technique.

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5 votes
2 answers

Fatigued triceps in freestyle swimming

I used to swim a long time ago and after a break of several years, I took it up again about 6 months ago. However, my triceps (i.e the lateral part of the back of my upper arms) still get fatigued ...
mahela007's user avatar
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2 answers

Calf cramp by swimming

I'm running, I'm biking, I'm swimming... breaststroke. The problem is, when I try to swim anything else than breaststoke (backstroke, crawl) I'm getting calf cramp very quickly... which is double ...
Danubian Sailor's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to improve swimming performance in the gym?

Question is quite simple. I'm looking for gym-specific bunch of exercises which can help me to build up swimming performance/endurance/speed. So, when I'm not in the water I can still be continuously ...
tsykora's user avatar
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1 answer

How to compensate swimming overload in the gym?

I'm looking for exercises which can help me compensate muscle overload generated by swimming (mainly crawl). I crawl about 3 to 4 times a week and I want to focus on that style. I heard that you ...
tsykora's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to practice freestyle breathing with a kick board?

I have been trying to achieve "one goggle in the water" side breathing, but even using flippers and three kick boards to keep my body as high as humanly possible, basic face anatomy dictates that if ...
Noumenon's user avatar
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2 answers

Dealing with ankle cramps in open water

I sometimes get cramps in my ankles when swimming freestyle. What are some good strategies for dealing with them during an open water race? Preventative measures would also be of interest.
NPE's user avatar
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2 answers

Enough Air Input for Free style

Although I took swimming lessons while I was a kid, I was never super strong and never mastered good free style form. Now 50, and attempting to complete in a triathlon (sprint). As a person with a ...
Pete B.'s user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

2-beat Kick-Stroke coordination in front crawl swimming

My natural pattern is kick-down-right-leg when pulling-with-left-arm, and kick-down-left-leg when pulling-with-right-arm. But all Youtube videos I watched on kick-stroke coordination, suggest that it ...
Swarup's user avatar
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0 answers

Scapulas position in freestyle/front crawl

here a general analysis if muscles involved in freestyle/front crawl is shown. On page 9, it is written that: When the arm that is close to the body similar to its position in the fundamental ...
Kinka-Byo's user avatar
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