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Questions tagged [exercise]

Making one's body work. Includes walking, jogging, running, lifting weights, playing sports, cycling and any active play. The opposite of watching TV.

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For 60 gram protein per day, how much exercise is too much?

Following the rule of 0.8 grams of protein per kilograms or in pounds , 0.36 grams of protein per pound, I eat 60 grams of protein since I weigh 70 kg or approx 155 pounds and I exercise moderately. ...
Determinante's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I work out my lower abs while having a hip flexor (illiacus) injury?

About 25 years ago, I had a partial tear in my hip flexor (specifically illiacus muscle). It eventually got better but I didn't rehab it properly at the time. As a result, I have a specific spot in my ...
user23562931's user avatar
2 votes
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Should the amount of protein in a diet change based on exercise?

Should the amount of protein consumed in a diet vary with more exercise? Would it make a difference if that exercise is strength training or cardio? Protein is for repairing and building muscle, and ...
John Doe's user avatar
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Is it a roman chair? What is its use?

The following equipment is being sold online as Roman Chair. Is it? I believe Roman Chair can be used for hyperextension, but the equipment shown in the images cannot be. What else can it be used for?
6nagi9's user avatar
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Is it possible to be "too tired" to fall asleep?

I have noticed that on days where I push myself physically more than normal, for example a long hike, running a half-marathon, starting lifting weights again after a long break etc. My body will feel ...
Aesir's user avatar
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Exercise to "dislocate the shoulder"

I watched this short video on YouTube which is called "Dislocating my shoulder for the first time (gymnastics dislocate)". It looks like this: My questions are: Is the shoulder actually ...
LulY's user avatar
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Does being a blue collar worker offer incomparably greater benefits to one's fitness than going to gym?

I've hear an interesting opinion irl that if you're a while collar worker you pretty much cannot gain any significant fitness. This doesn't mean that going to gym is pointless: it will save you from ...
gaazkam's user avatar
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Is there any real point in having exercise variety?

My work out involves rotating between the following six exercises, usually doing a combination of two at a time: Deadlift High bar back Squat Overhead press Bench Pendlay row Many workout ...
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
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How can you train your grip to accommodate a wide variety of holding options?

Based on this hand grip, is there a way to train your grip for different holding positions using alternative options not shown in the video? Additionally, is there an exhaustive list available that ...
Avi's user avatar
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How do I strengthen the ability to open a door knob?

Is there a way to strengthen the hand palm twist motion? A 50 years old is training using kettlebells as well as hand barbells daily. However, he has difficulties in twist motion of the hand palm ...
Avi's user avatar
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Does this exercise (maybe an RDL variation) have a name?

Imagine laying on one’s back on a bench, arms extended straight toward the back of the bench, pointing away from one’s feet. Then, bending the elbows down to grab gold off the sides of the bench, and ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
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Why is Wall Handstand Pushup So Much Harder than Pullup?

Why is Wall Assisted Handstand Pushup soo much harder than a Pullup? I am talking about Wall assisted, where balance is not required. I find it very difficult to go all way down? Is there a scientific,...
mattsmith5's user avatar
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1 answer

Too much time in zone 5?

In my most recent studio spin class, I spent around 20 minutes out of 40 in Zone 5, and most of the rest in zone 4. The occasion before that I was in zone 5 for 23 mins out of 55, zone 4 for 17 and ...
dev'd's user avatar
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How can I make moderate-vigorous physical exercise a habit?

Moderate-vigorous physical exercise is a form of physical activity that requires moderate to high levels of effort and increases your heart rate and breathing rate. Some examples of moderate-vigorous ...
Arunabh's user avatar
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What's a good way to track custom workouts using smartbands or smartwatches? [closed]

community. This is my first post here. I would like to start tracking my workouts, and wondered about which devices I could get. What I want is: Plank exercise log (time based) Log rest times between ...
F. Zer's user avatar
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One hundred breaths exercise

Following this named one hundred breaths exercise. I would like to know what is its sources? Is it Tai Chi? Is there a tutorial that explains how to do it step by step and what is its benefits?
Avi's user avatar
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How to target short bicep head?

During a bicep workout I usually start with a neutral grip machine preacher curl, which effectively targets the long head and provides good resistance in the lengthened position. I've never been able ...
Ethan's user avatar
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3 answers

What bench press variations/alternatives spare the shoulders?

Gironda press and underhand grip barbell/dumbbell bench press come to mind, but do these really take off all the strain from the shoulders? Or perhaps decline bench? I think I’ve messed up my ...
Frank's user avatar
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How to practice a Revolving Pull-up Bar

How can I practice on Revolving Pull-up Bar. I do well in regular Pull-up Bar (~30 pull ups). What is the best way to practice and what is the step by step protocol to train myself for using Revolving ...
Avi's user avatar
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Have the effect of pull-up, but without equipment

Push-up: no equipment I don't need any equipment for push-ups. I can do that almost everywhere. It strengthens specific muscles very effectively. Pull-up: requires a bar Pull-up needs a bar that is ...
Megidd's user avatar
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Stair climbing: moderate or vigorous?

CDC recommends: at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity, I found it difficult to incorporate activity like swimming ...
john's user avatar
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Help? Schedule and correct exercise question

I’m 18 years old, 122 pounds, and 5’5. I do not want to be muscular I just want to lean out because I am “skinny fat”. I started doing “strength training” 30 minute videos 3 times a week with 10 pound ...
user39843's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is it advised to increase exercise gradually not drastically?

I do exercise everyday especially the pushups but it is often advised to me that I should increase my pushups count gradually not drastically like increasing it by 1 everyday. But why can't I do it ...
S K's user avatar
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Does training a muscle make it tighter or constantly contracted in its resting state?

It’s often said that training X muscle more than its antagonist(s) will result in a postural imbalance in favor of the more trained muscle. Common examples people say: Training the chest muscles too ...
clickbait's user avatar
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What might be the significance of a sudden drop in estimated V02 Max as measured by a Polar Vantage M fitness watch?

Many of Polar's fitness watches, to include the Vantage M model, have the capability to estimate V02 using heartrate variability as a proxy. There are at least a few peer reviewed papers that have ...
Brian Sweeney's user avatar
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Does sticking to one exercise for a long time cause a plateau, where the body no longer makes improvements even after muscular failure?

Question Does sticking to a single exercise cause a plateau, and by "plateau" I mean: "a point in your training where neither reaching failure nor trying to push beyond failure on a ...
Hisham's user avatar
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What muscles are worked by this exercise (dumbbell around-the-world lateral raise), and does it have a different name?

I've stumbled on this exercise in my own experimentation and then searched for and found this video which seems to mirror what I've been doing fairly closely (although I've been seated against a right-...
TylerDurden's user avatar
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How long would I need to walk to do the equivalent of 20 minutes on a treadmill?

I have a treadmill, and my normal routine is to use it for 20 minutes, on a programme that gives me... 1 min at 2kph 18 mins alternating between 6kph and 9kph (one minute each) 1 min at 3kph Now the ...
Avrohom Yisroel's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What exercises are good for improving shoulder posture?

I’m primarily interested in rectifying my posture so that my shoulders don’t curl inward toward each other, my sternum and my centre chest. It’s been suggested that I must strengthen my rotator cuffs ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
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A proper website for theory in the gym?

I'm kind of new in the gym going through a bit of an information overflow period. I have a personal trainer which helps me with my form. However, I'm bad at remembering the names of different ...
Kreal2sm's user avatar
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What are downsides of stop doing physical activities?

What if you completely stop doing sports? Including walks or any other physical activity besides necessary as going to work/store/etc. Is there any medical researches on how it will affect your health,...
applewiskey's user avatar
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3 answers

Tips to do another repetition?

To gain strength the last repetitions are the most important ones. Depending on my mood I find it hard to do the last reps. Before I used caffeine to enhance my exercise routine, however I stopped ...
CuriousIndeed's user avatar
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help on supplementary exercise for cycling

so my question is pretty simple basically im a relative beginner at biking and was wondering what some good form of exercise would be on the days im not cycling thats not too taxing so i can still ...
Frederik Steffen Nygaard Whlic's user avatar
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Does training legs affect recovery of upper body muscles given adequate carbohydrate and protein intake?

Simple question: I have the following exercise regime (each line is another day): Upper Body Legs Back Legs Upper Body Legs Back I do 2-3 different exercise per day with 2-3 sets each. My legs are ...
CuriousIndeed's user avatar
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Exercise soon after waking up vs during the day vs before bed [duplicate]

Does the time of day when one exercises make a difference? I understand that consistency and other things are all more important, but given a choice (due to WFH situations) how does one choose when to ...
ahron's user avatar
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How to best incorporate Workout, Yoga, Shower and Eating together into a routine?

I'm trying to fit workouts, yoga, showering, and eating into a daily routine, preferably together. There are lots of approaches to the order and time gap of doing these which is really confusing for ...
Lenny Frost's user avatar
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chin up more difficult than pullups? [duplicate]

Since the distance from chin to bar is greater for narrow grip chin ups compared to wide grip used for pullups why are chin ups not considered the more difficult exercise to perform?
Steve52's user avatar
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1 answer

Exercise reccomendation for 11 year old kid [closed]

What fitness exercise, gym exercise, or Crossfit exercises are recommended for an 11-year-old guy?
rohit's user avatar
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What kind of changes should I start to see after three months of working out four times a week? [closed]

Starting from near zero (i.e. I go to the gym and do cardio once a week or similar). But I want to eventually get fitter. I'm thinking of doing Cardio two times a week and Strength building exercises ...
ColonizeroftheSun's user avatar
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Are there any good exercises to make pectus carinatum less noticeable and exercises that can help get rid of rib flare

I am 14 years old, 5'7, and weighed 118 last time I checked. One side of my sternum protrudes more than the other side leading me to believe I have pectus carinatum. It's noticeable even from the ...
Dariu's user avatar
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Beginner workout for developing muscles for Volleyball

Hey Fitness Stack Exchange I'm looking for some good exercises and maybe even a basic workout plan I can do a few times a week to help develop my body for Volleyball. I've found a few good resources ...
Granto's user avatar
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Exhaustion after exercising

I [28 F] began exercising last year, for three months I would go for a walk and follow the Chloe Ting program. However, I saw no change in my weight, my mood was better though. I found myself ...
user157522's user avatar
3 votes
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Exercise and Yoga Asana after Eating

What are some exercises and/or yoga asana, that I can practice after eating to avoid sleepiness and to maintain my concentration and motivation toward work?
randomUser's user avatar
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How to reduce weight around my abdominal area when I have liver cirrhosis? [closed]

I have advanced liver disease and weight loss is suggested to me Need to reduce 20 kgs , most of my body fat is around abdominal region What diets I need to follow along with exercises . I am also ...
Shubh's user avatar
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Internal rotation in dips?

Here's a picture of athleanx demonstrating dips I understand the forward lean is required in dips, but doesn't this make the exercise extremely susceptible ...
user avatar
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Good Active Flexibility Stretch for Mid Back

What is a good "Active Flexibility" Stretch for Mid back? Note: Active Flexibility is different from Passive/Static. Resource: Passive vs Active Flexibility Stretch "Active flexibility ...
mattsmith5's user avatar
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Shoulder Rod Stretch, Difference Using Wooden Bar Rod or Towel Rope

Whats the difference in doing the shoulder bar dislocation stretch with a regular wooden rod vs a towel/rope? (Note: I know the second picture is using a towel, but I use a rope and pull it wide tight)...
mattsmith5's user avatar
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Shoulder Rod Stretch, Trying to gain flexibility and reached a limit

I am doing the following shoulder rod dislocation stretch. I seemed to have reached a cap on how far I can put my hands together. Right now they are 40 inches apart, at 30 degree from vertical. I was ...
mattsmith5's user avatar
2 votes
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Shoulder Stretch Lying Down, Proper technique?

Is the following a legitimate back shoulder stretch? I have never seen this stretch on any resource website until now. Sometimes when I see something on youtube, I have verify its a proper stretch ...
mattsmith5's user avatar
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Shoulder Mobility: Standing and Lying Dislocation Exercise Difference

Whats the difference between the Standing Stick shoulder mobility exercise, standing up and lying down? Do they exercise different muscle groups? Trying to understand the difference between doing the ...
mattsmith5's user avatar

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