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Questions tagged [exercise-technique]

The proper way to perform a specific workout movement.

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Are there guidelines for certain exercises?

I work in medical research and in medicine one important source of knowledge for good clinical practice are guidelines. Usually guidelines are made by some experts committee including and they usually ...
LulY's user avatar
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Straight leg sliding lunge

I found on instagram following exercise. Some kind of straight leg sliding lunge performed by a track and field athlete. How is this exercise called and what is the purpose and focus of this exercise. ...
Sarah's user avatar
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How do I know I am squatting properly?

I've had a long layoff from the gym due to health reasons but am finally able to get back into it now. Recently I've been doing some backsquats (for the first time in years)... I noticed I was getting ...
jj19880314se's user avatar
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One hundred breaths exercise

Following this named one hundred breaths exercise. I would like to know what is its sources? Is it Tai Chi? Is there a tutorial that explains how to do it step by step and what is its benefits?
Avi's user avatar
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Cracking ellbow and shoulder at pushups

While making push-ups my left elbow and left shoulder crack sometimes. Interestingly, when I do the same movement leaning against a wall there is no cracking sound. What can I do against the cracking? ...
LulY's user avatar
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Forearm position at push ups

What angle do the forearms have while going down at push ups? I was looking how to make push ups correctly and I find differences in the forearm position. See the following picture from an instruction ...
LulY's user avatar
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Dumbbell pullover across bench form

I have three related questions about doing the dumbbell pull overs across the bench. How low should I keep my hips when doing the exercise? How should I breath when I do the exercise? Should I ...
Brian's user avatar
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Is a twitching sensation near the elbows during push ups an indicator af bad technique?

When doing push ups I tend to get a twitching sensation around my elbows towards the end of my workout. For push ups I tend to do 3 sets of to failure (12-16 reps). It usually occurs during my last ...
leon.fuchsler's user avatar
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forward sled push: upright back vs leaning

So, I'm a bit confused by the correct way to perform sled push. In particular, whether it's best to keep your back upright, with arms bend in elbow, hands almost aligned with the body, or lean it as ...
Nikolai Savulkin's user avatar
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How high should I pull the bar when doing the upright row portion of a Cuban press?

I am actually trying to do the cuban press based on this video, and one of the starting steps is to do an upright row to get the dumbbells into position. My question is, how much should I move my ...
Brian's user avatar
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Good morning maneuver to fail a squat?

This is mentioned in this video by Mark Rippetoe. I can't understand how is that maneuver possible. How does one go into the hip hinge position related to the good morning when they're at the bottom ...
Brian's user avatar
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Theory of Pull before Push in a Push Day Workout

I have heard the phrase that people should do pull before push in a workout. But if I'm doing a push day in my push-pull-leg workout routine. How does pull before push apply here since all the ...
HelloDarkWorld's user avatar
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Is "cheating" while performing exercises actually good for your gains?

If the eccentric part of motion is what gets you sore and, in turn, drives your gains (at least, hypertrophy-wise), should I care at all about the concentric part? What do I need it for anyway? For ...
Sergey Zolotarev's user avatar
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What is the bench press form for every day life?

I know several power lifters and they all arch while lifting. On my journey to increase strength and power for practical, every day use, these friends have been encouraging me to adopt the arch style ...
Bri Han's user avatar
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Hourglass figure and how to prevent it

I just started working out and have noticed that I am developing a sort of hourglass figure. I have some understanding that this might have to do with underdeveloped obliques and some other muscles. I ...
jay121's user avatar
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My experiments to my body

I'm doing an experiment with my own body. Experiment is such that - Do push ups until your you fall on the ground and cannot push your body up further. Do squats until your legs vibrate very fast. Do ...
Luffy's user avatar
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Ways to 'Air Punch' without increasing risk of elbow injury?

Boxing provides cardiovascular exercise. When someone doesn't have a boxing bag or pads, or if they're boxing in VR, they will often 'air punch' (punch the air) instead of punching a bag/pad. ...
stevec's user avatar
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New to weightloss, how to improve my diet and exercise

Trying to lose weight while building muscle, doing an aggressive lose 1kg per week target. Diet is zero carb (not keto, because I do not actively consume a lot of fats) and 2 meals of veg and meat per ...
theAnonymous's user avatar
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How can we define unambiguously flexion and extension?

As written here, Flexion refers to a movement that decreases the angle between two body parts. Flexion at the elbow is decreasing the angle between the ulna and the humerus. When the knee flexes, the ...
Kinka-Byo's user avatar
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Cannot keep elbows straight in bench press

I need some advices about how to keep my elbows straight under the bar during bench press. It is known that having elbows in front of the bar creates unnecessary torque on both the elbow and the ...
Kinka-Byo's user avatar
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Yoga: Chair Pose alternatives?

I've been doing some YouTube yoga classes at home during lockdown. It feels really good but a lot of the classes I've done involve doing the Chair Pose / Utkatasana... and theres something about it ...
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What is the right way to use this sit-up bench

What is the right way to use this curved inclined sit-up bench? Where do I keep my legs and should I lie all the way back?
codingsplash's user avatar
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Power Clean Form Check (and technique questions)

I would like a form check for my power clean please. I just started doing these and I want to get better at the Olympic lifts down the line (Clean & Jerk and Snatch). Videos: Set 4 and Set 5 - ...
RoundHouse's user avatar
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Are squats on the tip of the feet and bending back good for the legs?

In some video, I saw a guy showing a very effective, according to him, squat technique for working out your legs at home. The technique is such: a person should bend back, pulling their hands back ...
R S's user avatar
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Split squats, knees over toes?

I've been doing split squats lately, partly to help strengthen my VMO I've read in a number of places that you should track your front knee over your toes in order to place more load on your VMO. But ...
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How do you keep the barbell close to your legs when doing the Romanian Deadlift?

In the Romanian deadlift, you must keep the barbell pressed against your legs, in order to minimize the stress on your lower back. Now take a look at the below picture of the RDL being performed: Is ...
Jem's user avatar
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‘Perfect’ one-arm push-ups

In the video below, the guy does a perfect one-arm push-up: no bending of the body, chest to the ground, the body in perfect line, and with legs at shoulder width. I was ...
Cornele's user avatar
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Is it a bad idea to do double dumbbell exercises with a single dumbbell?

My sad home gym consists of an exercise bench and a single adjustable-weight dumbbell. I've been using this random Athlean-X video as a template, but three of the suggested eight exercises use two ...
lambshaanxy's user avatar
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Science of doing kip-ups

When I first started training, I did not know how to kip. I had no clue how it worked. People said it was instinctive, and that everyone knows how to kip without training it. Well—I don't! How does ...
Fonte's user avatar
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Is the glute max the only muscle activated during the pigeon hip extension?

So I have trouble activating the glute max on the left hip. For example when I do the donkey kick exercise with the right hip I can feel the glute max activating, and I also can squeeze it. But on the ...
Tyrell's user avatar
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How to incorporate progressive overload into my "plateauing" situation

So I have been going to the gym for a decent while now (a couple of years) and have always noticed a problem that I may not have addressed ever and I might be going at the wrong way. I am aware that ...
ThatOneNerdyBoy's user avatar
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How important is exercise quality

Inspired by this post: Can I get an honest review about my workout plan? I am mainly trying to improve overall health. I'm not training for any particular goal. I only wish to get/stay healthy. I ...
LambdaBeta's user avatar
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Overactivity in one muscle of the agonist-antagonist pair and eventual desirability in athletes

I used to be an amateur athlete until I was 16 and I was diagnosed with brain cancer in which case I was left wheelchair-bound because of paresis in my left leg and inability to step on it. I was left ...
George Ntoulos's user avatar
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Is there difference between lifting legs and lifting torso for abs training?

Some people hanging upside down holding by legs for bar and bend torso up toward legs. On the other hand some train the opposite way: they hang on hands and lift legs all the way toward hands. What's ...
R S's user avatar
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Fixing Range of Motion Weaknesses

This answer (regarding if partial reps are actually effective when the muscle just can't use full range of motion) suggests to use partial reps to target the weaker muscles and "catch them up". The ...
Lux Claridge's user avatar
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Are partial reps okay?

Now I am new to the gym (well, returning after a 10 year break) and unsurprisingly have lost a lot of strength and endurance over the years. After about a month of weight lifting, I've noticed that my ...
Lux Claridge's user avatar
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Best and simple exercise for thighs?

Excluding gym instruments, best exercise to strengthen and make them look good and healthy?
user30848's user avatar
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Nature of a finisher vs burner exercise

I recently came across a variety of terms when it comes to structuring a workout, and one of them is the concept of the "finisher" exercise. Aside from my "pre-question" , which is "If they are ...
nicolasns96's user avatar
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Can all isolation exercises be alternated side-to-side?

I was curious to know the following. Since plenty of Isolation exercises out there have the capacity to be alternated...hence: by having a unilateral nature such as the concentration curl, they can ...
nicolasns96's user avatar
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What is the purpose of dropping weights?

I see a lot of exercise training videos, particularly for dead lifts that seem to recommend this. The trainers will do several reps of the dead lift and upon completion of the last lift, they simply ...
Ryan Mortensen's user avatar
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If I do biceps and triceps on the same day, what will be the routine for other days?

I am training back and biceps, chest and triceps, legs and shoulders as my routine. But I don't feel much stronger when I am doing biceps and triceps on different. I want to change the routine so that ...
user1435482's user avatar
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Why is it important to warm up before playing sports or exercise?

Why it is necessary to boost your body temperature while doing exercise why we can not start without warm up our body?
Insha Darwaish's user avatar
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antagonistic movements: Dips Into Chin ups or Overhead press into Chin upss

Post inspired by What are supersets and are they even worth doing? The video has sources suggesting that antagonistc supersets are superior to normal sets in terms of muscle growth and strength gain. ...
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Doing any sort of exercise too slow recommended?

I need to gain muscle. So I am talking about exercises to gain muscles such as push-ups, pull-ups, push-downs etc., My method of doing is keeping relatively more weight and doing very slowly. For ...
hanugm's user avatar
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Tendon strenghtening with overspeed eccentrics

"Microtrauma can occur when the patellar tendon is subjected to extreme forces such as rapid acceleration -deceleration, jumping, and landing." - North American Journal of Sports Physical Therapy : ...
user avatar
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Back and squats

When I front squat to 90 degrees my back folds like an accordion then the squat becomes a two phase exercise Leg lift>Back extension. If however I squat below the knee, until my legs touch my calves ...
user avatar
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Lower leg training

The lower leg has about 14 muscle, most people only train 2 muscles the Soleus and the Gastrocnemius. Are there any compound movements that work more than just the calf but more lower leg muscles at ...
Ekaen's user avatar
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Hanging leg curls

Has anyone tried hanging from a bar with a dumbbell between the legs and trying to do leg curls? For leg/knee raises it works fine, I'm asking cause I don't want to injure myself in the gym while ...
Ekaen's user avatar
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Home back exercises without equipment

What exercises can be done anywhere with no equipment, not even a bar for the upper back muscles and is as easy to learn as a bodyweight push up.
Ekaen's user avatar
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Bending knees in reverse hyperextension

According to this website that the target muscles of this exercise is the Gluteus, and the hamstring muscles as secondary muscles. While doing this exercise I am obliged to bend my knees since the ...
Nizar's user avatar
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