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Questions tagged [exercise-technique]

The proper way to perform a specific workout movement.

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38 votes
8 answers

How deep should a squat be?

Recently, I've read some articles that suggest that you should go below 90 degrees. On the other hand, I've talked with a trainer in my gym, and he usually places a bench behind him so that he ...
Janis Peisenieks's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Is there a specific, efficient way to pedal a road bike?

I know that this may sound silly, but I was wondering if there is a proper way to pedal the road bike? I've noticed that you can be pedaling more with the front, or balls of the feet, or by staying ...
James Mertz's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How does one properly 'cool down'?

Having already asked why a cool-down is so important, my next question is how do you properly get into a cool down? Please be specific of how to get into this cool-down with metrics that can either ...
James Mertz's user avatar
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33 votes
8 answers

What exercises are good to build up to performing chin-ups?

I can't do a single decent chin-up, are there any easy alternatives that I could build up in quantity as a forerunner to being able to do chin-ups? Alternatively are there are any weights exercises ...
going's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to do 2 or 3 finger push-ups

Are two or three finger push-ups a matter of finger/hand or arm strength? What techniques should I use to learn two or three finger push-ups (if it is finger strength how do I build this up etc.)
going's user avatar
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54 votes
4 answers

How do I properly breathe while swimming freestyle?

While using the freestyle technique of swimming, what is the proper way to breathe? Is using the nose to breathe out while under better or is there any difference? Is there a specific number of '...
James Mertz's user avatar
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