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Questions tagged [gymnastics]

Gymnastics is an activity involving performance of bodyweight exercises requiring physical strength, flexibility, agility, coordination, balance, and grace.

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20 votes
2 answers

What are the 'twisties'?

Simone Biles dropped out of the finals of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games due to experiencing 'twisties'. I understand that this is some kind of mental phenomenon that would prevent her from competing. ...
toroid's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Safe training regime to work towards center and front splits

I want to improve my flexiblity to be able to to center and front splits. Is there any safe exercise program to follow which will lead me to this goal? During the week I have time to stretch for 10 ...
Sarah's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Wide grip pull-ups vs "normal" pull-ups

What is the purpose why people do wide grip pull ups? I know that these pull-ups are harder, but I would like to know why. Are there different muscle groups being stressed? Or is a wide grip pull-up ...
zero-divisor's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

How to overcome fear?

I assume this is a very atypical question for this community, but I believe it's on-topic, so, I'll go ahead with this. I was hoping someone could help me resolve the problem of overcoming fear. To ...
Frantisek's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

How much press strength for human flag?

Shoulder strength seems to be the main factor for achieving a human flag. I was wondering if there is some number relative to the bodyweight that indicates when one's press strength is ready to try a ...
Franz Kafka's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Should I lock out my shoulders at the bottom of a pull up?

When I'm doing pull ups, I try to go all the way down until the arms are straight, but I do not lock out my shoulders. Recently, I thought in order to get a greater ROM, it might be a good idea to ...
zero-divisor's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Finishing an aerial

I've been working on an aerial (cartwheel with no hands), and I'm close to getting over yet I have to keep putting my hands down to avoid falling on my face. Part of it is fear, but largely once I'm ...
user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

What training pattern should I use to develop V-sit and V-hang?

I would like to acquire a V-sit and V-hang (from a neutral vertical hang; without chest or shoulder assistance). I can hold a passable L-sit for 5-10 seconds on parallettes, but not from a hang (...
Silas Davis's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Looking for a thorough gymnastics book

I want to learn gymnastics: handstands, pike, planche, bridge, etc. There's a tiny gymnastics group in my town, but my schedule won't let me train with them. I can use their equipment as needed, ...
Adam's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

Can't do handstand presses

I'd like to be able to do handstand presses but can't. I can't even lift my feet off the ground or even get that close. What muscle groups do I need to develop in order to be able to do this move? ...
neubert's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

What is it called when you lift yourself into a handstand?

What is the gymnastic term for, from standing on all fours, lifting yourself into a handstand in a controlled manner? That is, without kicking up.
Anna's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Developing slow transition in muscle-up

I am working on developing the muscle-up: I can perform a muscle-up at speed, but I am working at making the transition from pull-up to dip as slow ...
Silas Davis's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How do gymnasts and dancers remain so slim, yet so agile and strong?

Having a very small percentage of body fat definitely helps, but even so, how is it possible to do backflips etc. being so slim, while people with huge muscles can't even lift off the ground. What ...
sam's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

What is this exercise/pose called?

Standing on one foot, other foot above the head, back arched, hands reach over the head, grasping the foot. So legs are in a 'splits' position. I wanna look into how to progress into such a position, ...
Ninjanoel's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Do ring dips and ring push-ups overlap?

I'm getting a set of gymnastics rings soon, and will be modifying my current strength workouts to use them. I'm not at the stage where I should be doing ring dips yet, but from looking at ring push-...
Dave Liepmann's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Name of gymnastics move (or variation)

I've been looking into gymnastics and calisthenics moves recently and came across this video of this guy doing some sort of front vertical one-handed lever? I have never seen this anywhere else and I'...
Radu Gheorghiu's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Are there any advantages of round gymnastic rings over flattened?

There are round rings and similar (plastic too), but flattened at the botom. Seems obvious that second ones should be more convenient for hand, but still people mostly use round for some reason.
R S's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Thickness of gymnastics rings

I want to buy some wooden gymnastics rings for my home gym. I have found models with 2.8,2.9,3.0,3.1 and 3.2 cm diameter. Since I have small hands my first idea was to go with the 2.8 cm rings. ...
Sarah's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Which resources should I go to for programming ring training?

I just received a set of EXF gymnastics rings (thanks, Team Chaos!) and I have a smorgasbord of individual exercises that I'd like to try. However, I don't want to do just a collection of random ...
Dave Liepmann's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How can I perform high-pull ups?

In order to try muscle-ups I am trying to do High pull-ups but I can't take my body above the chest level.I can do up to 15 normal BW pull ups.
S.D's user avatar
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How do I improve my tracking while flipping?

I have been attempting to get the hang of various flips off of the diving board into the pool. One of the problems I run into is that I'm very bad at tracking where I am in a flip so as to know when ...
Sean Duggan's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How can the wrist wraps reduce wrist pain in handstand/push-ups etc?

I have seen plenty of people wearing these wrist wraps with the aim of reducing wrist pain in exercises like handstand, push-ups etc where their wrists are kept in an extended position with a huge ...
Kinka-Byo's user avatar
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3 answers

Integrating Front lever into training plan - which muscles are used?

I'm currently doing a typical push-pull workout in the gym, mostly with basic exercises (bench press, squat, dead lift, weighted pullup, ...) and low reps. Now I would like to integrate the front ...
Franz Kafka's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Helping a preschooler overcome fear and encourage trust [closed]

I run a preschool gymnastics program at a large gymnastics facility in my area. I have been the director for 4 years and have been teaching dance and preschool gymnastics for 9 years. Not once in my ...
dance4life's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Getting a planche with only psuedo planche push ups

i don't like weight training, the idea of having to travel to the gym, having to deal with people and waiting for machines or barbells sucks. plus I like training shirtless, which I can't in a gym. i ...
Name's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How do male gymnasts train in order to get muscular?

Having learnt a bit about weightlifting programs using barbells and other stuff, now I wonder how male gymnasts train in order to become muscular and strong. Do they use weights in the same way as ...
Mephisto's user avatar
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bodyweight leg exercises for strength/hypertrophy

I'm doing upper body bodyweight strength training (gymnastics stuff) for a while now, and would like to incorporate some leg exercises into my training. I'm looking for 1-2 good compound exercises ...
zero-divisor's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Flexible: Stretch Hips and Rotate Internal

The following 2 Exercises will Rotate the Hips External. I am curious if anyone knows any stretches to Rotate the Hips Internal (opposite direction).
mattsmith5's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Rope climbing gymnastic tricks -- what are they called?

I'd like to learn some cool tricks that I could use on the kind of rope that's found hanging from the ceiling in schools' gymnastic halls. I've tried to search, but all I can find is tips on how to ...
Anna's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Why I can't touch my toes and how to fix it?

I cannot bend down and touch my toes,I could reach only till my shins...I am 21,5'6 and play sports regularly.I cannot even reach my toes when sitting. It's not a new problem, I've always not able to ...
S.D's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

What's this move called in gymnastics?

This is what I've seen as stunts in movies. I have no real visual examples but I might be able to explain in words? It's when you run forward then start to flip. First both hands on the floor, then ...
user15131's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Would weightlifting conflict with gymnastics/parkour?

I gather that bodyweight training is superior to weight training for gymnastics ( However, I enjoy weight ...
Joshua Meyers's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What would happen if an adult was forced into a right split?

I have been reading there is no physiological reason why everyone cannot do a split. Each leg can form a 90 degree angle with the torso independently so there's no reason you can't do a split. The ...
Derek Fulton's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is this position called in Yoga or gymnastics?

What is this position called in Yoga or gymnastics? I am trying to figure out.
user avatar
2 votes
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Hip & ankle flexibility - how to progress?

I'm currently having problems with the following exercises and activities: Tucked planche (Priority 1: even getting of the floor is impossible, my legs only tuck if my hips get pulled in by my abs, ...
Franz Kafka's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

How to fix my uneven pull up?

I have a problem with my pull up; When I'm pulling myself from the bottom position my right elbow seems to be more flared out than my left, it also happens when I'm doing close grip pull up. During ...
Fajar's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

L-sit on paralletes vs floor

I am a beginner who wants to L-sit, should I begin the appropriate progressions on the floor, or on parelletes (I have both)? Paralletes seems slightly easier. Thanks.
Joao Noch's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

I am a track athlete, Does gymnastic help a track and field athlete, in terms of getting faster, pole vault and throwing?

I do the decathlon and am very weak in the pole vault, do you guys think that gymnastic will aid in strength and help increase my athletic ability. Does it aid in speed also I want to really know
user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Shoulder Stretch Lying Down, Proper technique?

Is the following a legitimate back shoulder stretch? I have never seen this stretch on any resource website until now. Sometimes when I see something on youtube, I have verify its a proper stretch ...
mattsmith5's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to increase flexibility from the basics?

I am quite athletic, and I regularly workout and play soccer, but I am much less flexible. I can't even bend and put my hands near my toes (it reaches up to my shins when I feel tighness from ...
S.D's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Progressing into iron cross

I'm wondering how one can progess into an iron cross. My shoulders are strong enough for stuff like handstands, muscle-ups and human flag, but this movement is very different. I'm wondering what kind ...
MJB's user avatar
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2 answers

How to perform a ring muscle up?

What would be a good progression to transition from where I am currently: Horizontal Ring Row and Ring Dip to a full ring muscle up (As opposed to a bar muscleup, which is an entirely different focus/...
John's user avatar
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Why parallettes have small height?

I want to build a PVC parallette at home and I noticed that all the parallettes are very small in height( as the diminutive french suffix ette indicates , pretty obvious , I know lol ) My question is ...
user174098's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

hand balancing on canes

According to "[canes] actually make balancing easier while giving the appearance of more difficulty". Is that true?
neubert's user avatar
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0 answers

Gymnastics Arch Body Position: Suck in Abs and Squeeze the Glutes?

In gymnastics, I am working on the Arch Position for the back handspring. In the Arch body position, should I follow some of the same principles of the hollow body position? (a) Should I suck in the ...
mattsmith5's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Back handspring: Hands Starting position

What is the proper back handspring starting position? I see two schools of thought, one with hands vertical straight up into a swing, the other is hands starting horizontal . See pictures below. In ...
mattsmith5's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Shoulder Rod Stretch, Trying to gain flexibility and reached a limit

I am doing the following shoulder rod dislocation stretch. I seemed to have reached a cap on how far I can put my hands together. Right now they are 40 inches apart, at 30 degree from vertical. I was ...
mattsmith5's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What is the difference between a crane pose and a frog tuck? [closed]

Crane poses are yoga moves: A frog tuck, as I understand it, is mainly a gymnastics move that's taught as a progression to, among other things, planches: Are they pretty much the same thing, just ...
neubert's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Maximum skeleton muscle mass in human body

I am wondering whether there is a way or formula, which considers all elements (sex, age, weight, height etc.), to calculate the maximum skeleton mass one can obtain through the workout in the gym? ...
Kieran's user avatar
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1 answer

Shoulder Rod Stretch, Difference Using Wooden Bar Rod or Towel Rope

Whats the difference in doing the shoulder bar dislocation stretch with a regular wooden rod vs a towel/rope? (Note: I know the second picture is using a towel, but I use a rope and pull it wide tight)...
mattsmith5's user avatar