Questions tagged [hands]

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4 votes
2 answers

Finger/Hand strength exercises for spin bowling in cricket?

I am in the process of transitioning from being a medium pace summer cricket bowler to being a spin bowler in indoor cricket. In particular I'm playing around with some 'caroom ball' style variations. ...
1 vote
1 answer

How do I strengthen the ability to open a door knob?

Is there a way to strengthen the hand palm twist motion? A 50 years old is training using kettlebells as well as hand barbells daily. However, he has difficulties in twist motion of the hand palm ...
2 votes
1 answer

Finger extensors bodyweight exercise

Is there any exercise for finger extensors based on bodyweight? I'm looking for something that can be done anywhere without any special equipment. I've heard, for example, about opening hand in a ...
8 votes
4 answers

How to train with grippers to avoid finger joints injuries?

How to safely train with grippers to avoid problems with fingers and joints? I've once started training with Heavy Grip 150lbs, which was too hard for me on begin. But after a few weeks I've forced ...
2 votes
1 answer

Incremental hand resistance. How stronger should my next gripper be?

Almost two year ago, I had started training my grip strength using grippers. At first I've used a cheap wooden gripper of unknown strength (though I think it's less than 50 lb). I trained on it for ...
1 vote
1 answer

I removed the hand gripper's soft foam grip. Is this dangerous?

So a long time ago I bought these hand grippers and removed the soft foam grip that you use when using the grippers. I believe I was thinking that if my hands have to deal with the hard plastic that's ...
0 votes
1 answer

What pull-ups with palms looking to each other give?

On some horizontal bars there also two bars positioned perpendicularly to the main bar. So when you grip them palms looking toward each other (as when you applaud). What training on such bars gives?
1 vote
1 answer

Is Thumb position important in dumbell exercise

While doing any dumbbell or barbell exercises, is it okay to place the thumbs 'outwards' instead of curling them on the grip? For instance, when doing a hammer curl, can I put my thumbs outwards, ...
3 votes
1 answer

Assisting Muscles fatigue to quickly

Often times when exercising, my assisting muscles (muscles I'm holding the bar with for example) fatigue way quicker than the actual muscle I'm trying to train. Most noticible its on the Lat Pulldown. ...
0 votes
1 answer

What are the best exercises for very skinny hands (not arms) that need muscle and fat?

Also the answer can't be get fatter because especially in teens the hands tend to not want to grow. What are the best exercises?
4 votes
2 answers

Are strong hands less effective if they're smaller?

I have trained crushing grip, support grip and pinch grip tremendously over the years. I have some pretty impressive numbers and can blow many trained weight lifters away with grip power. I do find ...
2 votes
2 answers

One side farmer carry

Why it is difficult to do one side farmer carry i.e I am carrying heavy weight only on one side. I can carry 60 pound each on my both hands in farmer carry. But one sided is hard enough. Is one side ...
3 votes
2 answers

Hand position / form when swimming Crawl/Freestyle

I swim with my fingers together, thumb at the side and a slightly cupped hand. I have seen some people in my pool swimming with small gaps between their fingers, which I found interesting (I have ...
3 votes
3 answers

Prevent hand ache during workout

I've recently started to enjoy working out. However, my hands often feel achey and fatigued after a good workout (I mainly use various dumbbell exercises). How can I help avoid this?
4 votes
1 answer

Fingers, hands and wrists specific stretching exercices

I am looking for some specific exercices for fingers, hands and wrists to improve the flexibility and not the strength. This is because I suffered of a bad tendinitis mostly to the flexor tendon of ...
1 vote
0 answers

Fitness and ability to do sign language

I have downloaded some apps illustrating sign language from the Android play store, but I have something remotely related to muscular dystrophy. Is fitness of the arms and hands and face muscles a ...
4 votes
1 answer

How to prevent hands-slipping from a bar?

I'm doing some hanging knee raises and honestly, they are not hard at all on my stomach or legs, but the problem is that I cannot keep my hands up there on the pullup bar, they are constantly slipping ...
3 votes
4 answers

How do you do knuckle pushups without injuring yourself?

This question is primarily addressed to those who have done knuckle pushups consistently for several years. I've been doing 100+ knuckle pushups for about two years everyday, and I've developed ...
6 votes
2 answers

Powerballs are real training tool?

I started to go to fencing few weeks ago and got myself a powerball to strengthen my wrist. But even if after you use until you can feel in your arms that you made an effort, I didn't notice many ...
1 vote
1 answer

Quarterback training?

I am not sure it this is the right site,but can anyone tell me some exercises without weights,like stretches,to train my hand and arm so i can be a good quarterback. Thanks
3 votes
2 answers

slouched shoulders get better when i open my hands

I have really big problems with my posture. I spent a lot of time sitting at computer for many years. My shoulders are rounded, they go forward and due to this my neck is overloaded. I have also ...
0 votes
1 answer

What can I do to strengthen my hand? [closed]

About 6 weeks ago, I was doing heavy cleans from the blocks. On the last, my knee lined up with my elbow and forearm, catching the weight and forcing my hand to bend backward. I can use it day to day, ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to improve baby finger's extension and flexion? How to relax it? How to stretch it?

My baby finger has not become relaxed enough due to wrong technique in tennis, too much stress on it and more here. The only moment I can feel the toughness is when I am totally relaxed like after ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to make scar tissue due to blisters heal faster in hands after tennis/fencing/climbing?

I got blister just to the point that holds a foil i.e. index finger. It irritates me in tennis, fencing and climbing. What are best methods to recover from scar tissue due to blister?
3 votes
5 answers

How does one "grind down" calluses?

I love having hardened calluses- except when they rip! A while back, I had a callus on each hand rip open whilst doing Parkour. I was told to "grind down" my calluses every once in a while. By this, I ...
1 vote
3 answers

How to develop sensitivity of hands and arms?

I want to develop the sensitivity of my hands/arms particularly for tennis. I feel this is essential to get more controlled spins. How can I develop sensitity of hands/arms?
1 vote
0 answers

Fast-twitch hand muscle exercises?

A friend who spent some time in the military told me about a silent language in which the hands are signed in short, rapid bursts. Really, really rapid bursts, actually. I've seen videos of both wing ...
2 votes
1 answer

How long warm-up before gripper training?

How long should I warm-up to secure train with the grippers? I'm asking not about general warm-up but about warm-up aimed specifically on hands. Should it be 5 minutes, or 1 minute intensive hands ...
4 votes
3 answers

How can I stop sweaty hands?

Sweaty hands are plaguing my rock climbing and pull up exercises, as well as being annoying at other times. I've read a few (unsourced) ideas that nutrition can be a big factor in sweaty hands. Can I ...