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Questions tagged [muscle-gain]

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Any advice for a really skinny 20 y/o male beginner looking to bulk up quick?

I’m about 6’2 at 145-150 lbs (30” waist with very little fat). I’ve been underweight my whole life and I’m sick of it. I do believe I have a faster than average metabolism, as I’ve counted calories ...
Skinnynewb's user avatar
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Not Sure If I'm Doing Body Recomp Right

Ok so on my weight loss journey i kinda ignored the warnings about getting "skinny fat". I basically was just in a calorie deficit but i was scared i'd get bulky if i worked out. I'm 5'3, ...
Lia's user avatar
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Cold Shower Question?

A friend of mine wants to grow muscles as their ultimate goal. To start, my friend wakes up at around 7am and takes a cold bath for 5 minutes followed by some yoga and push-ups. Then they do high-...
NoName's user avatar
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Circuit training with usual break times - a good idea?

Short: Is it better to train each exercise in a row or should we rather do a "circuit training" with same exercises and same break lengths? Let's say we have a full body workout with pull, ...
LulY's user avatar
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What scientific studies compare electric muscle stimulation versus resistance training?

I know this is a wide open topic with countless nuances, but I need to start somewhere. Will someone please provide a reference to scientific literature comparing the effects of electric muscle ...
Steven Thomas Hatton's user avatar
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"Before failure" sets - a good idea?

I learnt that sets till failure have different drawbacks like increased risk of injury, overtraining, fatigue and potentially less muscle growth in the long term (here and here, for example). The ...
LulY's user avatar
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Does sequential position of squats and deadlifts within a workout effect the hormonal benefit?

Folks like Charters William are fond of saying that squats and deadlifts are vital for natural body builders due to their function of stimulating testosterone and other muscle building hormone ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
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Does cold immersion after 6 hours post-workout enhance hypertrophy or strength?

It’s known that cold immersion within 6 hours after lifting will dampen gains by inhibiting muscular catabolism, and that more than 6 hours after working out does not have any adverse effect on gains. ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
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Does post-workout cold immersion dampen strength as well as hypertrophic gains?

Andrew Hibernian has discussed research suggesting that hypertrophic gains are lost when one undergoes immersive cold exposure within 6 hours after training. I’m wondering if this six hour window is a ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
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"Do exercise X every day" - what about the recovery time?

I often read about people/ sites saying to do some exercise on a daily basis. For example, I often read that one should do planks every day. This does not make sense to me because usually you should ...
LulY's user avatar
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Running after leg day - good or bad idea? [duplicate]

After I've done a leg day going heavy with squats and/or leg press, is it OK to do a 5-7k run? I find that it's good for my mental health to have a run mixed into my routine, but I wonder if that ...
Vadim Peretokin's user avatar
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Fitness trainer put me on a muscle building program even though I have a 38 inch waist line

I am a 5'6" 31M and I weigh 165 lbs. My fitness trainer put me on a muscle building program even though I have 38 inch waist line. The Evolt machine said I have 30% body fat and I read that for ...
a_sid's user avatar
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Felt like passing out doing Bulgarian Split Squats

I've been doing Bulgarian split squats for more than a year. Now I do 4 sets of 8 - 12 reps. I always feel like passing out between sets, and often need 5 minutes or more to recover. After I'm done ...
Bugged Life's user avatar
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Do I eat at maintenance or deficit to achieve my target physique?

I am a 5'6" tall 31M. I weigh approximately 165 lbs. My waist size is 38 inches. According to the Evolt app, my lean muscle mass is 115 lbs and my fat mass is 50 lbs. So appearance wise, I have ...
a_sid's user avatar
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Why is a high number of sets more effective for muscle growth?

There are plenty of studies that suggest that a higher number of sets is better for building muscle, but no study I have seen addresses why it's true, if it is true. Progressive overload seems to be ...
MakKa's user avatar
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Which would be more effective

I work with high intensity low volume technique. That means doing only 2 sets in most exercises, but going to failure on every set, generally aiming to fail between 6 and 8 reps. Now and then, I'm not ...
Ethan's user avatar
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Does cardio burn muscle?

I want to maintain or even grow muscle while burning fat (doesn't everyone – I know). Assume a moderate daily deficit of 300 calories to achieve fat loss sustainably. Also assume a continuation of ...
Dennis Hackethal's user avatar
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Quad focused workout routine non really satisfied about my progress. What could I change about it?

I was wandering if someone could help me figure out if I'm training legs the right way because lately I'm not seeing much progress on this department. I train 4 times per week, I have a quad focused ...
Bugged Life's user avatar
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Does training a muscle make it tighter or constantly contracted in its resting state?

It’s often said that training X muscle more than its antagonist(s) will result in a postural imbalance in favor of the more trained muscle. Common examples people say: Training the chest muscles too ...
clickbait's user avatar
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Help me improve my workout routine; I feel some muscle groups aren't getting enough attention

About myself: 29m, 5'2", 142lbs. Been doing some home workouts as well as running around the neighborhood, but decided it wasn't good enough so I've been going to gym for the past 4 months. ...
sgy0003's user avatar
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How many workouts should I do per gym workout session?

I am new to fitness and want to get on the right foot from some of you experience goers. I am very flexible to trying any great ideas and I am very open minded.My goal is to bulk up and gain muscle ...
SaiTheDeveloper's user avatar
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How much should I eat, and how does food composition relate to calories?

I'm a novice when it comes to working out. I want to build muscle, but also work on my stamina. So, I'm not doing exclusively strength training, but trying to stick to a well rounded combination of ...
Nikolai Savulkin's user avatar
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Are there any problems with this workout program for simultaneous muscle growth and weight loss?

I am trying to lose weight while gaining muscle. I decided to do a 5 day/week split ("bro split"?) to have a smaller portion of weightlifting per day, since I like to go to gym often anyways....
InfiniteLoop's user avatar
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Understanding effect of repetitions on muscles and appearance

According to the Guardian: "How many reps should I do? The general rule is that using a weight that allows you to get through one to five reps builds pure strength, five to 12 helps with muscle, ...
Quora Feans's user avatar
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Can you "grease the groove" for every exercise (not just pullups)

Say you're stuck on a 120 kg benchpress for 2 reps. Can you apply "grease the groove" on the bench press so that you increase reps? Will this yield muscle gain? more generally, can it be ...
nz_21's user avatar
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An interesting case regarding weight loss

I have an interesting background related to my fitness. In February 2021, I weighed 108kg( 19 year old male with height 183cm). I was always an ambitious, motivated and hard-working person but I had ...
Boson's user avatar
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Can I altranate bicep workout as heavy day and light day?

I workout 6 days a week Day 1 Chest/ tricep Day 2 Back/ bicep Day 3 Legs/ core/ shoulders Day 4 Rest Day 5 Chest/ tricep Day 6 Back/ bicep Day 7 Legs/ core/ shoulders On back bicep days, I am ...
kobi89's user avatar
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What is this muscle ? Gluteus medius or something else?

I am wondering what is the muscle circled in the below picture ? I feel like it's the gluteus medius muscle but I am not quite sure since it seems to go quite high in the back. Moreover some people ...
AskingMyFirstQuestion's user avatar
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How long does muscle growth from a workout actually take?

If one does a single workout and measures the size of the muscle both immediately before it and a week afterward, then presumably it would be bigger after than before. But what if the second ...
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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What is the best position for pull ups to target one's lower pecs?

Palms facing same direction to your front, Palms facing back in toward you, or Palms facing each other roughly parallel to your ears?
JosephCorrectEnglishPronouns's user avatar
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Saturated versus all other fats [closed]

You mention "fat" often and as a collective value; but isn't there a big difference between saturated and all the others (Unsat, Mono, Poly, Etc), in terms of metabolism and what is used ...
kootch22's user avatar
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Are there any good exercises to make pectus carinatum less noticeable and exercises that can help get rid of rib flare

I am 14 years old, 5'7, and weighed 118 last time I checked. One side of my sternum protrudes more than the other side leading me to believe I have pectus carinatum. It's noticeable even from the ...
Dariu's user avatar
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Benefits of doing this home workout every day

Recently, I saw this home workout video on youtube. The workout includes: Jumping jacks to start the workout and warm the body up, steam engines to get the core warmed up as well, squats, burpees, ...
User's user avatar
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How many magic workout secrets are there really?

I'm still new to lifting but I've come across a lot of pages advertising for example Chris Hemsworth's workout program or Chris Evans etc. I understand that they're likely not showing the real program ...
Jim stoke's user avatar
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Does taking painkillers reduce muscle gain?

When I have muscle soreness after training, I generally take a light OTC painkiller/anti-inflammatory. To me, it just makes sense to not be in pain if you don't have to be. I have had friends tell me ...
Sean Duggan's user avatar
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My experiments to my body

I'm doing an experiment with my own body. Experiment is such that - Do push ups until your you fall on the ground and cannot push your body up further. Do squats until your legs vibrate very fast. Do ...
Luffy's user avatar
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How important is Regular Exercise vs Amount of Exercise?

I know a lot of people who will work out once every couple of weeks, and I wondered how much they were getting out of it. Say Person A does 25 pushups every day in one set, except an occasional rest ...
Askelad's user avatar
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What exercises can I do to grow my lower abs at the gym? [duplicate]

I'm going to the gym and nowadays the only exercise I do for my abs is by using the abs machine with weights but I can see only the upper part of my abs grow. What kind of exercises can I do for the ...
user37328's user avatar
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Why are natural bodybuilders so big?

I have noticed that a lot of natural bodybuilders (or at least people who claim to be natural) are insanely muscular for a natural athlete. Jim Cordova for example is very big and it's hard to believe ...
paradox's user avatar
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Why is 40 pushups a day not doing anything?

My goal is to build muscle, especially in the arms/biceps. Originally I was doing about 10 pushups a day along with some bicep stretches (wall stretch, using rollers, deltoid stretch, etc). In mid-...
adibak's user avatar
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Building the thigh muscles near the knee area

My thighs are around 22.5 inches /57cm when I measure them around the highest girth of the thighs, these can be considered average thigh circumfrence I believe, nothing too big nor too small. But the ...
Dsp guy sam's user avatar
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Recommend chest exercises that will activate/help feel mind muscle connection

I'm trying to build muscle (not much like the professionals but just to get into an aesthetic shape and feel the joy after working out). I've got everything set. I'm a little over a month into working ...
Desai's user avatar
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Controlling muscle growth from running

Background: I'm a 28 year old male, 176cm, 68kg. I used to go swimming for 60min three times a week before the pandemic. Due to the latter, public pools in my country have shut down, and I have not ...
JoSch's user avatar
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How can I build a muscular body if I am skinny [duplicate]

I’m 18 y.o. My height is 6 feet and my weight is about 150 pounds. Nevertheless, I look very skinny. Muscles of my torso and arms are weak and small. However, my legs look normal. I tried to go to the ...
0 votes
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Is sugar really the enemy? [closed]

I have been researching online a lot regarding the truth of sugar and there's so many mixed opinion. I was hoping for some objective opinion regarding the matter and hopefully backed with scientific ...
EPIC Tube HD's user avatar
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How am I gaining muscle but not weight? [closed]

I am 19, 67kg and have been training for around 3-4 years so I am not a ‘newbie’. I am gaining muscle however whenever I weigh myself, I gain very little to no weight at all? I am confused as to where ...
Connor's user avatar
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How much keto (low carb) diet when combined with protein intake is likely to hamper muscle growth?

I am 37 years old male, recently went on the keto diet for 3 months and lost ~13 kg (but still have a way to go), to sustain the gains I started working out to gain more muscles and increase my ...
Matas Vaitkevicius's user avatar
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How to fix scoliosis for better/safer perfomence in a gym?

I'm 18 y.o. and I wanna fix my scoliosis for safer perfomance in a gym with heavy weights. What should I do for this? My left shoulder higher then my right shoulder
Richie's user avatar
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Can I make bigger my rib cage doing breathing squats, pullover etc.?

I wanna make my rib cage bigger for better chest size. I've heard that breathing squats, pullover, traction raider (it's like pullover without weight link(video on russian)) could help me get bigger ...
Richie's user avatar
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Bulking up in maintainance calories

As an intermediate individual in fitness with decent bit of muscle definition and body fat, I was hoping to bulk up. However, I fear that with with a surplus I might end up gaining unnecessary fat ...
EPIC Tube HD's user avatar

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