Questions tagged [resistance-cord]

The Resistance band is used to increase range of motion and movement such as increasing jumping high. The band works by making the body work harder on the areas where the bands are attached and by making more tears for the body to repair and build muscle.

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12 votes
7 answers

Is it possible to effectively build muscle mass using resistance bands?

I will be living in Africa for the next year, with little access to a gym. I was thinking about purchasing a portable gym resistance band set, but I'm skeptical of the efficacy of resistance bands in ...
Parseltongue's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Resistance bands: What do the resistance ranges of "X to Y" pounds mean?

If you look at the typical product description of a resistance band (Amazon is a good place to see a lot of these), you'll see that nearly all of them give a range of resistance. For example, one ...
oscilatingcretin's user avatar