Questions tagged [running-training-plan]

Questions discussing workouts, technique, or cross-training for specific running goals.

9 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Skinny fat - What running/hiking routine or tips would you recommend?

Background: Age: 34 Height: 167cm Weight: 76kg Waist : 96 cm(38 inches) Average running pace : 7 min 17 secs/km Average distance : 4 km. I lead a rather inactive lifestyle, mostly keeping indoors over ...
Quasar's user avatar
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Running once or twice a week for 1 hour duration each, risk of injury excluding shorter runs?

I don't have too much time to dedicate to shorter runs but I'd like to keep my jogging consistent. Am I at risk of anything if I just keep a weekly/biweekly running schedule for longer duration ...
SomethingSomething's user avatar
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What is the ideal Run Zone

About me: I'm 40y old. I'm training in martial arts for more than 20y. Nowadays I'm not competing in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, but the main set is still there (training and fight as hard as possible) ...
AFetter's user avatar
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When doing long runs, why do we need to wait a day after a work out?

When doing long runs, athletes often use ‘cumulative fatigue’ to train their fast twitch muscle fibres, which are recruited when the slow twitch fibres are fatigued. Most likely, all training plans ...
Brian's user avatar
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How to train to run 2.5 km from scratch?

Context: I am a 50-year-old man, out of shape and somehow overweight (by European standards). I would like to prepare for a µ-baby-family triathlon (300 m / 330 yards swimming + 8 km / 5 mi bike + 2.5 ...
WoJ's user avatar
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Current science on increasing running volume while also integrating drills?

For context: this question is about intermediate runners - i.e., not for people starting from zero, nor for sub-3 marathoners, but for runners who have maybe run a year or two and raced some 5Ks, 10Ks ...
AnoE's user avatar
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Calculating walking and ascends to the marathon milleage

I'd like to be able to run marathons on the regular basis. Currently I'm running about 40 km per week, which enables me to run half marathons almost every week (mostly trail running, with about 800-...
Danubian Sailor's user avatar
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Advice on my workout plan

hi im shayan and im a beginner in fitness , i wanted to get my body ready for MMA and i thought it would be good idea to get my body ready first so i asked a friend who's a gym coach in my ...
shayan's user avatar
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How to prepare for Intense hiking after not exercising

Under very short notice I decided to go along with some friends to Bozeman, Montana for an intense hiking trip in two weeks from now. We're talking 20 - 25 mile hikes in the mountains. I am a bit ...
Shlomo's user avatar
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