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Questions tagged [weightlifting]

Resistance training with barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells and other weights. Questions involving how to lift and maximizing lifting performance. Includes powerlifting, bodybuilding and Olympic lifting.

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2 answers

Is going to the gym a waste of time if eating around maintenance?

The past year I have not been focusing on nutrition very much. I eat very clean but the amounts are around maintenance. Thus, in the past year I have seen very little improvement in strength and body ...
Sorfosh's user avatar
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Beginner workout plan for muscle gain and when to start with isolation exercises?

I plan on going to the gym starting today. Do you think this video shows a good start? Based on the video, I made this reference: Monday + Friday: Chest: Bench press ...
Daniell's user avatar
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Consecutive 3 day push pull leg workout

Is it okay to do a push pull leg workout plan 3 days per week continuously, like Thursday/push, Friday/pull, Saturday/leg, and then the remaining days off?
user41388's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Strange Bench Press

I have an issue with my bench press. It's a strange plateau. I am able to bench press 120lbs x 8. However, I can't even do 135lbs x 2. It seems like I should be able to do at least 4. Does anyone have ...
Jackson's user avatar
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How do I lose fat without losing what little muscle i have? [duplicate]

I'm skinny fat. (Little muscle with alot of fat). I don't wanna lose what little muscle I have but want to lose fat. What do I do?
Cooper's user avatar
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How to choose Bulgarian split squats or front foot-elevated split squats?

Why would one want to do front foot-elevated split squats instead of Bulgarian split squats, or vice versa? In terms of which muscles they provide greater stimulus to, whether they're more useful for ...
minseong's user avatar
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Maximum Weight One can Use for the Workout in the Gym

Without medicine (such as steroid), one cannot gain as much muscle as he/she wishes in the natural state. There is the upper limit of the maximum skeleton muscle one can gain through the workout in ...
Kieran's user avatar
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Form guide for behind the neck press

There are more than ample for normal OHP but none for behind the neck press. In OHP, it was important to squeeze the glutes and keep the arms in the scapular plane. I am presuming that one would have ...
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
2 votes
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Do the "big 5" barbell exercises lead to injuries in runners?

The background I am training for running and sport climbing; I also have a good barbell rack in the basement and have good technique for the "big 5" barbell exercises (squat, deadlift, bench ...
AnoE's user avatar
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How to split a chest weightlifting workout for twice a week

I am an advanced beginner in terms of weightlifting but noticed I am not getting enough development in my chest, particularly my upper chest seems a bit less developed than the rest. Some of this ...
krishnab's user avatar
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How dangerous are kettlebells?

I never paid much attention to kettlebells until I saw a video that said they have numerous advantages over traditional dumbells. Swinging weights around as was demonstrated in the video looks ...
Steven Thomas Hatton's user avatar
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What scientific studies compare electric muscle stimulation versus resistance training?

I know this is a wide open topic with countless nuances, but I need to start somewhere. Will someone please provide a reference to scientific literature comparing the effects of electric muscle ...
Steven Thomas Hatton's user avatar
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What is the difference between doing a sandbag clean/kettlebell swing versus something like a Romanian deadlift?

This question is phrased in a strange way, but I could not think of a more concrete way to phrase is. I am trying to understand how different types of training fit into my own fitness goals. I am in ...
krishnab's user avatar
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Baby lifting👶💪: 16kg × 2 dumbbell routine suggestion?

Baby seat is 16kg, baby is 10kg (assume will be 16 soon enough!). 👶💪 My gym is inaccessible until March, so going to buy a couple of 12kg dumbbells and: curls reverse curls Zottman curls rows bench ...
Samuel Marks's user avatar
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What can be said of one whose bum rises before their shoulders/bar during barbell squats?

I’ve noticed that often while I’m doing barbell back squats, if the weight is on the heavier side, at a certain point I will begin to struggle a little bit, and at the bottom as I’m starting to come ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Partial reps for shoulder stability and growth in weight training

I find that my shoulders feel a lot of strain when I do pressing movements, say a shoulder press with overhand grip, or even a bench press when the bar or dumbells are near my chest. So in those ...
krishnab's user avatar
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How to adjust hypertropy workout when gym has limited dumbells

My current goal is hypertropy, to build some muscle. I am an advanced beginner when it comes to lifting. I usually working in the gym of my apartment complex, which is naturally very convenient. So ...
krishnab's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How can I maintain an active lifestyle and maintain a caloric deficit?

I am 48 and am working on losing some weight. All of the information I read tells me of the importance of maintaining a caloric deficit, which I understand. I am also doing a reasonable amount of ...
krishnab's user avatar
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2 answers

What will happen when i used 2.5 kg heavier dumbbell on my right side during bench press?

I’ve started to consistently going to the gym for around 7 months now, and I’m seeing good results for which i am satisfied. On one of my training sessions, I accidentally picked up 2.5 kg heavier ...
Hawn's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Are dumbbell exercises counted in weight per side or total?

Bob does a set of dumbbell bench presses and is chatting with his mate in the locker room, comparing PRs. If Bob held one 16kg dumbbell in each hand, has he done a set of 16kg dumbbell benches, or ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
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Why my lifts are getting stronger every week

I started deadlifting for like 1 month now, i never workout back in the gym and chest also i enjoy more doing pull ups and push ups for this muscle group. So when i started deadlifting once a week i ...
Mike's user avatar
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Bending elbows 90 degrees for DB lat raises

Imagine that one has ones arms straight by ones sides, thumbs pointing forwards, palms facing own body and each other. Now imagine bending elbows 90deg as if to do a biceps hammer curl. Now use this ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
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What is the effect of inclining the bench for a Guillotine/Gironda-neck press?

I think a GNP emphasises the upper/clavicular pecs more than a standard bench press. Inclining the bench for a normal bench press also emphasises the clavicular head (upper portion) of the pecs more ...
TylerDurden's user avatar
-2 votes
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Downsides to working out for 6.5 hours non stop in the gym?

Suppose one trains like this: Midday Workout Sunday, 21 May 2023 at 13:52 Boxing Class Set 1: 45:00 S&C Class Set 1: 45:00 Random Crazy Dumbbell Medley Set 1: 0 kg × 58 Incline Bench Press (...
TylerDurden's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What are ways to overload weights for weighted pushups, or a substitute for that exercise?

Currently, I do weighted pushups using barbell weight plates on my back. I've gotten to a point where it's too light without putting tons of weight plates on like 3+, but they keep falling off my back....
CreativiTimothy's user avatar
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Help me improve my workout routine; I feel some muscle groups aren't getting enough attention

About myself: 29m, 5'2", 142lbs. Been doing some home workouts as well as running around the neighborhood, but decided it wasn't good enough so I've been going to gym for the past 4 months. ...
sgy0003's user avatar
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Converting dumbbell weights to barbell weights

I like to use dumbbells for upper body with some regularity to make sure my left arm stays equally strong compared to my right. As everyone is aware, using dumbbells requires using lighter weights; I ...
Mark Field's user avatar
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Is it more common to have a heavier maximum bench or squatting weight?

For barbell exercises, can most people lift heavier weights when benching or squatting?
TylerDurden's user avatar
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Can somebody check if my workout is good for strength training & hypertrophy? Maybe give tips / adjustments if neccesary

Hello this is my first post here, here is my workout program at the moment: Day 1 Back Squat 5/3/1 Good Morning 3× 8-10 Leg Extension 3 sets x 8-10 Front Foot Elevated Smith Machine Split Squat 4× 8-...
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Octagon Lifting Plates on a Boat

I read a thread with most everyone saying octagon plates aren't good for deadlifts. Is this due to poor spinning collars of some barbells that use bushings instead of bearings and lack of adequate ...
Paul's user avatar
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Why do we rest the barbell on delts when doing a power clean?

I am doing light loads ~30-40kg, and I am pretty comfortable with holding the barbell vertically up using my elbow when doing cleans. Why is it recommended to keep it on the delts? Refer
Cantor Dust Drachen's user avatar
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Does supinated-grip press carry less risk of shoulder impingement than the press?

Does supinated-grip press carry less risk of shoulder impingement than the press? The elbows seem to travel more in front of the body when compared to the press - and so the shoulders seem to be less ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Pros and cons of very long breaks between sets (eg 1h+)?

Over the past few weeks I've started to "fit in" a set or two of weight lifting / pull ups (to failure) throughout my day. I don't have time to dedicate a full hour to working out, and I ...
MYK's user avatar
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Top quarter reps vs bottom quarter reps for squats?

What do top quarter rep squats train? I've heard it's explosive power, namely vertical jumping ability. Why is that? Is it actually better than full range of motion squats for that, or simply a more ...
minseong's user avatar
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Adding weight to each set? [closed]

Should I add weight to each set if im aiming for hypertrophy? (Pyramid sets or straight sets, etc?)
yeetsteak's user avatar
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What is the difference between these two grips for lat pulldown?

In my gym, we have this bar for lat pulldown I am trying to do wide grip pulldowns. I can do the grips in red comfortably by I always struggled with the green grips and can only do them with small ...
Isaac 's user avatar
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Looking for a critique of my current routine

I've been lifting since around March of last year. Starting late August/Early september, I started doing the routine I'll list below. It was off the recommendation of someone I know, so I'm curious as ...
Sam Reo's user avatar
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An interesting case regarding weight loss

I have an interesting background related to my fitness. In February 2021, I weighed 108kg( 19 year old male with height 183cm). I was always an ambitious, motivated and hard-working person but I had ...
Boson's user avatar
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What are the different types of deadlifts?

What are the different types of deadlifts and what muscles do each work? I’m using a program and it calls for a deadlift on one day with a Romanian deadlift on another. But following the conventional ...
Piper's user avatar
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After taking a long break from lifting, what weight should you start back up with?

I recently took a long break from weight lifting (~1 year) for a variety of reasons. The program I was focused on started with a 5x5 of the major lifts at 80% of my 1rm. I recently started the same ...
Piper's user avatar
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When you have both ankle and hip mobility issues, which should you address first?

As I've gotten older and become more sedentary due to remote work, I do not feel as stable/comfortable in a deep squat as I used to be. Looking in the mirror I can tell that it is both an ankle and ...
meatsuo's user avatar
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Tips to do another repetition?

To gain strength the last repetitions are the most important ones. Depending on my mood I find it hard to do the last reps. Before I used caffeine to enhance my exercise routine, however I stopped ...
CuriousIndeed's user avatar
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Upper body exercises to do when I have tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis)?

I've had tennis elbow for about two months now, on both sides. I've finally been to a sports medicine doctor about it and I'm going to physical therapy and both have cleared me to return to lifting ...
Paul's user avatar
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Can I altranate bicep workout as heavy day and light day?

I workout 6 days a week Day 1 Chest/ tricep Day 2 Back/ bicep Day 3 Legs/ core/ shoulders Day 4 Rest Day 5 Chest/ tricep Day 6 Back/ bicep Day 7 Legs/ core/ shoulders On back bicep days, I am ...
kobi89's user avatar
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Do front/back squats strengthen upper body?

I know it's obviously not gonna be the same as targeting my upper body directly, but will I still get some strength benefits in my upper body from doing front & back squats with a barbell? I feel ...
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Split routine into two-a-day workout schedule

I have been doing a 6 day/week push-pull-legs routine. I have one 90 minute gym session on each of those days. Recently my schedule has changed and I can only manage two 45 min gym sessions for 6 days/...
thatguyfromcanada's user avatar
5 votes
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Stamina Decreasing for Some Exercises But Increasing for Others

I've just started working out at a gym for pretty much the first time ever. I've always been really skinny - as in low body fat - but used to have decent muscle mass due to working a very physically ...
JM2022's user avatar
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Sudden drop in deadlift performance

For about 2.5 weeks, I have noticed a significant decrease in my deadlift performance, while my other lifts (squat & bench press) have remained somewhat constant. I used to be able to deadlift 180 ...
code-lukas's user avatar
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Slow Progress At My Sessions

I started lifting at the age of 18 (currently 20) . I was basically a skinny fat kid with little muscle and very weak. In the first year I only trained for 5 months which my strength went up fairly ...
Nick's user avatar
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Why do olympic bars have rotating collars?

I've just upgraded from a 1" bar to my first 2" olympic bar. I'd never realised until it arrived that the collars rotate on the bar. Why is this and why is it not seen on 1" bars?
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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