Answer is yes.

Interrupted sleep can have negative consequences on your overall health. 

[Health consequences of sleep disruption][1]

**Therefore, a negative effect on muscle growth.**

During the night, your body progresses through different stages of sleep. If one stage is interrupted, your body has to reset and start going through the stages again, meaning you may never get to the deep, restorative sleep that occurs during later stages. 

**It affect hormone levels for example testosterone or growth hormone.**

[![Growth hormone release][2]][2]

[*This*][3] research has shown that the highest levels of **testosterone** happen during REM sleep, the deep, restorative sleep that occurs mostly late in the nightly sleep cycle. 

> Sleep disorders, including **interrupted sleep** and lack of sleep
> reduces the amount of REM sleep, will frequently lead to **low
> testosterone levels.**

**And [testosterone][4] is crucial for muscle growth.**

Interruption of sleep also affect [**cortisol** level][5] - catabolic hormone that [negatively affects muscle growth.][6]

> A lack of sleep will therefore increasing cortisol levels and put the
> human body under further pressure.

So try to drink more water during the day and less before sleep to avoid waking up at night.
