I really advise you to take a look at Mark Sissons and Robb Wolf's wesites. This is a very effictive and healthy way to lose weight. Also train muscle groups in stead of individual muscles. Cross Fit is an effective way to do this, but make shure to start at a level that suits you and don't overtrain. Also take a look at the lowest link that I posted. These are simple work outs that you can do at home and don't take longer than 30 minutes. Also they focus on muscle groups and movement patterns in stead of hypertrofie. That way your basal metabolism goes up andyou use more energy at rest and during nighttime... Make shure you stay away from sugar, wheat, vegetabale oils, trans fats and high fructo corn syrup and you should lose weight like a train! http://www.marksdailyapple.com/ http://robbwolf.com/2011/08/11/big-fat-blog-post-2/