Let's start with some foundation in the order of importance:

* **Energy Balance** (Calories in vs. Calories out)
* **Macros** (amount of protein, carbohydrates, fat)
* **Micros/Supplements** (vitamins / minerals and sports supplements)
* **Meal timing** (how often you eat and how close to training)

**Energy Balance**

This is the simplest thing:

> If you eat less than you burn in a day to loose weight.

What makes this slightly more difficult is that there is a certain amount of uncertainty in measurement processes--both for the food and for the amount of calories you burn.

If your goal is to loose weight, but you are either maintaining or even gaining weight, you probably need to lower the amount of food you eat.  While calories in vs. calories out is not a perfect model for everyone, it is good enough for most people.


You'll find some conflicting recommendations here, but the following general guidelines are good enough for most folks:

* Protein: 1.8 g / lb total body weight (4 Calories per g protien)
* Fat: 20-30% calories from fat (9 Calories per g fat)
* Carbs: all the rest of the calories to carbs if sports performance is important to you (4 Calories per g carbs)

Studies do show that there [really isn't any advantage to more protein][1] than this guideline.

**Micros / Supplements**

These do help maintain general health and in some cases they have at best a _minor_ improvement in performance.  Check [Examine.com][2] if you have any questions about specifics.

In general, if you take a multivitamin and some omega 3s you'll have pretty much all you need.

**Meal Timing**

This is probably the least influential of all the nutrition factors.  Typically, if you consume your macros evenly throughout the day you will do better.  Studies have shown advantage to eating at least 3-4x a day.  More often than that has diminishing returns to the point that it doesn't make sense for most people.

**Recommendation for you**

You identified the following:

* You are a beginner
* Loosing weight is your primary goal

I recommend focusing primarily on calories in vs. calories out, and just make sure you have the recommended amount of protein.  The rest will take care of itself.

  [1]: http://examine.com/faq/how-much-protein-do-i-need-every-day.html/
  [2]: http://examine.com