Just a Tech question (and who doesn't love tech questions?) Does anyone know of a heart rate monitor that specifically does this: Say your target HR is a given band or zone, perhaps 115-125. I just want a display that shows **total elapsed time, inside, that zone**. Thus, the stopwatch only advances, if, you are in the target zone/band. I realise any advanced watch includes a file of your HR over time; of course you could calculate time in any zone afterwards. What I'm saying here is, I'm looking for a simple **live and continuous** display of elapsed time-in-zone. Can anyone remember seeing this particular function on a watch? Thanks! Further ... it appears this function is usually referred to as **time-in-zone** in advertisese. That may help others in the future looking for the feature. It does appear that a couple of the Timex watches offer "time-in-zone", but, only as a "review" feature and not a continuous display ... thanks to BISB below for the pointer! **Solution:** With thanks to Kevin Mackinnon ay ironman.com and Keith Meyer at Timex, it turns out there is in fact one watch which does this.... **Timex Race Trainer Pro** Which is: [THIS WATCH][1] with the "angled" digits. I'm fairly sure, it is in fact **the only** watch available that has **continuous** time-in-zone display. I checked with polar and none of their watches do it. Ditto Suunto. I am familiar with all garmin models and none of them do it. Interestingly, even Timex's new fancier gps-model, does not have the feature. So the "Race Trainer Pro" (the angled digits model) is pretty much the only solution. [1]: http://astore.amazon.com/howtogetbackinshape-20/detail/B004M7FUC0