**Common Dangerous Core Exercises** ------------------------------------------ > *Every situp causes **730 pounds (3300 N)** of spinal compression forces.* ---------- Research confirms ***no single core exercise challenges all of the abdominal musculature while not harming the back***. Multiple exercises are required to strengthen the core and related muscles. ***Unfortunately there are many inappropriate exercises unsafe for most people***. This exercises does not help relieve back pain, but instead **increases low-back damage** because of ***high compressive forces placed on the lower spine***: > **Leg raises:** Lying flat on the floor, raising your while straight. These cause **even higher spine compression than sit-ups.** [Rehabilitation of the Spine: A Practitioner's Manual][1] [1]: https://books.google.com/books?id=mLMLFOlua3YC&pg=PA105&lpg=PA105&dq=These%20cause%20even%20higher%20spine%20compression%20than%20sit-ups&source=bl&ots=txnAzM8zZG&sig=mP0xlcBlOHxqOfecNl6sIOrX7Ec&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiw5Zzmz97UAhUEcD4KHX8OAV8Q6AEITjAG