You need to make long enough static stretching with a pain already in your hands, dynamic stretching may not be enough particularly if adult or pro. One hand at least with me takes 20 minutes. **Different Stretching Methods** > **1st method** > > > Push-ups with fingers feel very very good to the fingers, this is because deadlifts with about 90kg require a proper warmup. > > **2rd method** > > > Rise-bowl-scrutching-method suggested [here]( warms up the > whole hand and actually simulates the handles of different sized rackets -- unfortunately the shape of crutching rice and crutching handles of rackets are not the same so not specific to the ring-finger-little-finger-area. > > **3th method: Static stretching** > > > Stretching like [here]( but at least 30 seconds' interval so it takes at least 20 minutes to stretch just one hand. Excellent stretching also [here]( by a rock climber, it feels excellent! > **Different relaxation methods** > **I. method: resting during rock climbing** > > A rock climber shows [here]( advanced resting techniques for hands. It may be possible to adjust to other sports: hands slowly down and then hand up here crutching hand push the fresh blood back to the hand. **Different coordination methods** > **A. method** > > > Powerball is not sufficiently powerful/large to train my fingers on my serving hand. It certainly makes fingers a bit more flexible in the > left but I think the main thing it helps with is coordination, it actives areas of hands which may not be under normal usage during day and sporadic spinning requires proper coordination or bad sounding noise generated.