I am not talking about muscle mass, but just strength. I know some people who never touch weights, do any exercise, have terrible diets, have poor sleeping habits, live in unsettling conditions, **however** they have surprising strength. One of them is a man who is 70 years old, and has the grip of a young athlete, yet he doesn't do absolutely any exercise ever, has a bad diet, doesn't move much, and doesn't sleep well either. Is this any crossover with grip strength/genetics, as opposed to overall body strength, or is that vagueness beyond anticipation? My point is that some point are just strong despite little or no work put in, and some others, like me, make it a mission to get stronger to barely compare against some others who rarely try. A 70 year old man who does nothing with a grip of over 120 PSI who can over power my crushing grip threatens me - it also makes me feel very weak as I am a much younger man who works out quite regularly, and I can not seem to break such strength. It pisses me off, but is it all just genetics? If so, why should the weaklings try and get stronger/more fit if some others will always dominate them with little work/ease?